case of Brazilian variant of the coronavirus


Another school in Rome closed and this time due to a case of the Brazilian variant of the coronavirus. In particular, the Sinopoli Ferrini Institute in the Trieste district was closed “until a later date”. ASL Roma 1 has provided swabs for students, teachers and administrators, as well as, of course, the sanitation of all environments. In recent days the maternal and primary sections had already been closed after the discovery of a case of an English variant. This time, however, it is a Brazilian variant in high school.

Sinopoli Ferrini school closed in Rome, ASL confirmation: “Brazilian variant case”

The confirmation of the general director of ASL Roma 1, Angelo Tanese: “A suspicion of a Brazilian variant related to the Sinopoli Ferrini institute was found, which was confirmed by the Lazzaro Spallanzani institute. ASL Roma 1 has implemented all the measures provided by the covid protocol, including indications in case of suspicion or verified variant. The Institute is currently closed for 5 days and will only reopen at the end of all controls and with total security. Today the school personnel have been swabbing, case contacts have been tested and swabs have been scheduled for all students, to be done during the week. “

The epidemiological link of the positive case is with Umbria. In fact, he informs the Lazio Region in the usual bulletin about the progress of infections: “Variations in Lazio, today fourth red zone in Torrice (FR) and confirmed closure of the school in Rome with Brazilian variant with link from Umbria “. , are in epidemiological course by ASL Rome 1 “.

In the last three days, six schools have been closed for Covid in Rome. There are no classes at the Cerboni primary school of the inclusive Rosetta Rossi institute in Primavalle, the Alonzi complex of Damiano Sauli in Garbatella, in Donatello, in a complex of Prenestino Village and in the Malafede 2 complex in via Carotenuto,
