A media disaster for Giuseppe Conte, signed Rocco casalino? Palazzo Chigi reverses and cancels the premier’s video message, already announced a few hours before, to Sunday in gives Mara Venier. A live “speech to the nation” from Raiuno that angered the opposition and whispered Dagospia, would also have found the frost of the Quirinal.
As we found out, the invitation was addressed to the premiere by the presenter Mara Venier but Conte would have preferred to decline to prevent the school from becoming an occasion of controversy, ”explains the agency. Ansa. The version of Dagospia is slightly different and seems to suggest a proactive role for the prime minister’s spokesman: “When Ta-Rocco heard him tell him that Venier was interested in having his speech for the beginning of the school year, Giuseppi did not back down.” This before the patatrac.