Casalino and the homophobic dance “Insulted by Salvini and Meloni”


The promotional tour of Rocco casalino, “unemployed” (as he defined himself) excellent in politics. With the Conte bis government over and without the Conteter, the former prime minister’s spokesman has no choice but to retrain as a television presenter. He has been on Rai, Mediaset and La7, there is no show that he has not been invited to or is not expected to speak on in the coming days to promote his book. Following the chronological order of his appearances, today in the late afternoon he will be on Rai 1 in the program Hello man of Nunzia De Girolamo and tomorrow will be Sunday at Mara Venier.

The late program of the first public TV channel is not live, so Rocco Casalino has already recorded his speech, of which some passages are known. She spoke extensively with Nunzia De Girolamo and addressed numerous topics, among which obviously also those related to her relationship with Giuseppe Conte. The spokesman speaks of it with much affection, highlighting what has all the traits of a form of love towards the former prime minister: “Conte is a unique person, he has a gift that touches the heart. Sometimes he looks at me and reaches my heart. He left Palazzo Chigi with dignity and applauseFor the sake of the news, it is necessary to point out that for more than 10 years all the outgoing presidents of the Council have received the applause of the Palazzo Chigi workers. But Rocco Casalino must have especially liked that moment, so much so that he was moved: “He was certainly crying for Conte and the injustice he suffered. Working with him is always growing and learning something.“.

During the long interview there is a passage about his homosexuality, which Rocco Casalino on this occasion considers the cause of some attacks directed at Giuseppe Conte and Luigi Di Maio. The spokesperson does not hide an indication of victimization: “About Luigi Di Maio and Giuseppe Conte, some newspapers have put out strange and totally false stories and gossip, just because I was gay and I was their spokesperson. That is also homophobia“He paused extensively on this subject and also attributed some criticism received from the former opposition and the media to his sexual orientation:”Even at Palazzo Chigi, the opposition, Meloni and Salvini, but also Renzi, have always tried to denigrate and insult me. Also, some newspapers have made fun of me only for some of my attitudes or behaviors that really are just because I am gay. They were disguised as mockery, but in reality they are homophobic attitudes.“.
