Cardinal Gualtiero Bassetti, archbishop of Perugia-Città della Pieve and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, hospitalized since October 31 at the COVID 1 Emergency Medicine center of the “Santa Maria della Misericordia” Hospital in Perugia, was transferred from professionals health care providers in Intensive Care Unit 2 where appropriate therapies continue. The transfer took place overnight, after a change in vital signs. The Cardinal is attentive and collaborative ”. This was announced by the CEI.
The Permanent Episcopal Council, meeting in extraordinary session (by videoconference), “accompanies the Cardinal President with closeness, affection and prayer,” the CEI reiterated. “The bishops assure their support for him and for all the sick and thank the doctors, health workers and all those who deal with suffering,” he underlines. “May the consolation and presence of the Holy Spirit – adds the CEI – support those who today are seriously tested by the disease. The Risen Lord will not miss his reassuring presence ”.