Today’s appointment in the Council of Ministers. In mid-January, he will replace Giovanni Nistri at the end of his three-year term. Go ahead also for the appointment of María Teresa Semperviva as Deputy Chief of Police
by Marco Ludovico
Today’s appointment in the Council of Ministers. In mid-January, he will replace Giovanni Nistri at the end of his three-year term. Go ahead also for the appointment of María Teresa Semperviva as Deputy Chief of Police
2 ‘reading
The government has decided: Teo Luzi is the new general commander of the Carabinieri. In mid-January, he will replace Giovanni Nistri at the end of his three-year term. Luzi, general of the army corps, is today the Chief of Staff of the Benemérita and crowns 42 years of career. He will have an enormous task: to restore pride, enthusiasm and a sense of belonging to a military police force with a glorious bicentennial history but traversed by dramatic drifts and criticism. From the death of Cucchi to the scandal of Piacenza. Luzi, it can be said with certainty, is a sign of “discontinuity” in the weapon: he has built his path without memberships or ropes.
The portrait
Born in Cattolica (Rn) on November 14, 1959, married and with a daughter, Luzi has always been considered a one-piece soldier but with the typical goodness of Romagna. Carabiniere to the core, excellent relationships with colleagues in the armed forces and police, he entered the Modena military academy in 1978 and left first in his course: a predestined one. However, with a reserved, cordial and affectionate style but not inclined to visibility. Generous in character, imposing physique, he was nicknamed Batman as a young officer: a good hero, in short. He gets used to the provincial of Rome for a decade, commands Savona and Palermo, directs the main departments of the general command and lands at the head of the General Staff. The command center of the 100 thousand carabinieri, a job H24-7 / 7 as they say in the jargon. The designation of the commander of the weapon comes at the proposal of the Minister of Defense, Lorenzo Guerini, according to the head of the Interior, Luciana Lamorgese.
The appointments of the Ministry of the Interior
The head of the Ministry of the Interior, in turn, led the Council of Ministers to approve the appointment of María Teresa Semperviva as Deputy Chief of Police. The career prefect responsible today for the coordination and planning of the application of the law in the Department of Public Security led by Franco Gabrielli, Maria Teresa Semperviva, Lucana, comes to the position of deputy director of the PS department in place of Alessandra Guidi, who has landed in the prefecture of Florence. . In short, among Gabrielli’s deputies, the predominance in pink is confirmed with Sempreviva together with Maria Luisa Pellizzari, vicar, as well as Vittorio Rizzi, number one of Criminalpol.