Car Review News – Here’s the new rate. But there is the bonus


The basic rate for the review of motor vehicles and trailers will suffer an increase of 9.95 euros, this is what was established through a modification to the financial maneuver recently approved by the House Budget Committee.

In partial compensation for the sudden increase, the same rule also provides for the taxpayer the possibility of using the so-called bonus. “safe vehicles”. This is a coupon equivalent to the increase decreed today (that is, 9.95 euros) that the citizen can exploit in a single circumstance and for a single motor vehicle within a maximum period of 3 years from the entry into force of the regulation itself.

The National Confederation of Crafts and Small and Medium Enterprises (Cna) is fully satisfied with the adjustment of the vehicle inspection fee, which has not changed for the last 13 years. This would be a real shot in the arm for all workers in this sector, also in the midst of the economic crisis and forced in recent years to face ever-increasing expenses to adapt to the new technologies applied in the sector and finance the consequent training courses professional.

In an official statement, Cna explains that the result of the negotiation “rewards the determination of the Confederation, which for some time has maintained a continuous dialogue with Parliament, and in particular with the Transport Committee, and the ministries concerned to facilitate the completion of the reform on car inspections. other things”, continues the note, as reported by Acted, “The adjustment of rates for car inspections will not weigh on the pockets of Italians. In fact, the approved amendment provides that the State will grant a bonus to vehicle owners equal to the increase of 9.95 euros”.

However, Cna still laments. In fact, the opportunity was lost “Intervene in the front of the tests and reviews of heavy vehicles that today suffer delays of more than a year with serious consequences in the safe road. And this despite the fact that an agreement had already been reached. The Chamber’s Transport Committee had unanimously approved an amendment to entrust the testing and revision of heavy vehicles to private centers, thus completing the reform “Cna continues in the statement. The hope is that with the opening of the institutional table with the Ministry of Transport, on December 10, we can reach a positive solution as soon as possible also in terms of tests and review of heavy vehicles “.
