
Despite the bans on private parties and ceremonies, such as weddings and baptisms, with a number of guests over thirty years old, not everyone wanted to give up banquets. Thus it happened that in Pontinia, in the province of Latina, the carabinieri broke into a restaurant interrupting a wedding banquet. The party ended when the military knocked on the door identifying all those present among the protests of the spouses, who were also fined at the same time. In total, the carabineros delivered 82 minutes, one for each participant in the match. Obviously, the owner of the restaurant has problems too.
D’Amato: “This puts the health of the community at risk”
The Councilor for Health of the Lazio Region, Alessio D’Amato, also spoke about today’s episode, reiterating the need to observe the rules and the irresponsibility of such conduct. “What happened in Pontinia despite the restraining order is serious and irresponsible. – said D’Amato – It is no longer possible to hold parties and meetings of this magnitude that question the health of the participants and the rest of the community. This is the moment of responsibility, otherwise we cannot deal with the virus.“An even more serious circumstance of the party, perhaps given the spike in infections in the province of Latina.
Coronavirus: new restrictions expected in Lazio
The governor of the Lazio Region, Nicola Zingaretti, only awaits the promulgation of the new Dpcm and the summit with the government this morning, to sign a new regional ordinance with new limitations in addition to those provided by the new national provisions that are being defined, beginning with the closure of secondary schools and universities, with the maintenance of education to distance only.
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