may l go home for christmas and spend the holidays with my family too if I don’t have residence or my address in that region or will I be in a red zone? Not at the beginning, as established by the new Dpcm approved by the Council of Ministers that establishes the rules on travel, curfew, shops, restaurants, ski resorts, etc. from December 4 and for all the Christmas holidays.
Moving between regions for Christmas is one of the most debated topics, especially since it is not known to date which regions will be in the red, orange and yellow zone in December. But what does the new document say?
Will we be able to go home to another region at Christmas? What does the new Dpcm foresee?
The current Dpcm, valid until December 3, allows you to re-enter yours in any case municipality of residence or domicile, despite travel bans to and from the red and orange regions.
The Government has reiterated on several occasions that the objective for December will be to try to limit as much as possible the movement of population from one region to another during the Christmas holidays, therefore it could ban travel between regions. The new provision prohibits any type of movement, even from the yellow areas, as of December 21 and until January 6, only with a view to the Christmas holidays, to avoid a massive exodus of citizens. The only exceptions that will be allowed will be trips motivated by work, study and health needs.
An even more rigid tightening will be implemented on the main days of the holidays: the 25, 26 me 31 December any movement outside the own municipality of residence, unless motivated by a specific self-certification.
Those who, living far from their loved ones, want to return home to another region, will have to move before December 21. As long as the change occurs between yellow regions. In fact, until the date established by the new DPCM, interregional travel is allowed.
Another exception also refers to students ei off-site workers, they can also return to their city of origin at any time, provided they have maintained their residence or domicile there. The same applies to family members as well. The last case that allows you to move from one Region to another, after December 21, is to visit a elderly father who lives alone and who need help.
Self-certification to go home for Christmas: when needed
Before December 21, when travel will be prohibited, in some cases the obligation toself certification That justifies our move with a view to Christmas. Specifically, self-certification must be completed when:
- One’s yellow zone you move into an orange area or a red area;
- One’s orange zone you move out of the municipality in which you are located, whatever your destination;
- One’s Red zone We go to any other municipality or region, regardless of color.
The box must be checked in the self-certification form “other reasons“, specifying in addition to the reasons for the transfer, also the place of departure and destination.
Is it possible to return from abroad for Christmas?
Even the people who are inestuary and they want go back to italy, where they have their domicile or residence, to spend the Christmas holidays with the family they can do it. Pending the document that will establish the rules of travel to and from abroad, the current DPCM allows in any case to return to your home or residence from other countries.
In some cases, however, in addition to self-certification, a negative buffer: happens for those who arrive – or have stayed there in the previous 2 weeks – from Belgium, France, Spain, Holland, Czech Republic and UK. The swab must have been made in the 72 hours before entry in Italy or upon arrival.
According to recent rumors, the Minister of Health could issue an ordinance imposing mandatory quarantine on those returning from Christmas holidays abroad. This is a measure that has not been confirmed (Conte has only warned that there will be a more control on those returning to Italy from abroad), but which could serve as a deterrent for escapes into the mountains outside the border.