The subtle strategy of Matteo renzi to remove the soil from under the feet of the Prime Minister, it continues, even in these phases of apparent calm, during which the former mayor of Florence seems to have toned down the controversy compared to previous days.
The fire of the former Democratic Party secretary would therefore continue to burn, as Affari Italiani explains. In the corridors of Palazzo Chigi there are those who explicitly say that “Although now it seems that the pressure of Italia Viva on Conte has ended, in reality it is not like that at all”. Why, therefore, postpone the decisive confrontation within the Executive and not bring to light all the points of contrast Who displeases the former prime minister and his entourage of other exits? “Matteo Renzi is just waiting for the right moment to kick the Serves, the match that matters most to him”, he says Italian business who lives this situation from within.
And what, therefore, would be the most appropriate moment to launch the attack postponed in recent months? Probably the beginning of the call white semester, or the period of time corresponding to the last six months of the mandate of the President of the Italian Republic, during which he no longer has the power to dissolve the Chambers.
The perfect point of no return, as it leaked into the corridors of Palazzo Chigi, to get some pebbles out of the shoe, especially for Renzi and Italia Viva. The conviction of the former mayor of Florence is that there will be many, so not only he and his team, who take advantage of the blank semester to finally go out and explain even before the microphones what is happening with this government of Giuseppi II. It will be neither more nor less than what many parliamentarians have been saying in private for months. One shake, yet another, within the Executive, which could have serious repercussions on the already precarious balance of the majority.
But this would not be something that only Renzi knew about. Even within the government there is this conviction, but everyone is trying desperately to carry out the national vaccination plan, the primary objective and especially the issue related to the management of the Recovery Fund money. “The government has exhausted its driving force but from the Quirinale they want it to remain standing at least until next summer to guarantee the security of the country with the mass vaccination campaign and the sending of the country’s recovery plans for the use of recovery money “explains the source of the online portal. Rather. There would be Sergio Mattarella Behind this push not to disjoin to achieve these two objectives, as well as behind the achievement of a truce between the parties of the majority Giallorossi in opposition. Therefore, it would have been the Colle to end “power games” that began to outline and appease the hot spirits of the gods “duelists”.