Finally, Campania, to everyone’s surprise, ends up in the lowest risk zone. After a swing that, in a few hours, makes the region move from one area to another like a Monopoly. At least until this weekend when, with the planned update, it could end up in the orange zone. That is, only one step below the highest risk area. Governor De Luca, who already announced the closure of Campania two weeks ago, does not comment, but it is easy to imagine his bad mood last night when Conte announced the new geography of the Dpcm and the insipid location of this region. Which, we add, yesterday broke the wall of 4 thousand positives. But to understand De Luca’s nervousness, just rewind the tape and listen to yesterday afternoon’s words: “The 10 p.m. curfew seems to be against stray dogs rather than Covid“And it almost threatened:” The government will assume the health and social responsibility derived from its elections, always delayed and always fragmented. ”
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Between algorithms and various parameters, you risk getting lost. Finally, last night, the Ministry of Health and the CTS developed the criteria based on the figures. Where to weight not only the data on infections or occupied beds but also the numbers that the regions do not send or send incompletely. This is the case of Valle de Aosta, which for two weeks has sent a percentage of data below 63 percent. And it ends in the red zone like Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria. Apulia and Sicily are included in the orange zone (with intermediate risk) and all the others, including Campania, in the yellow zone (with moderate criticality). But for our region the scenario could change already this weekend. Today, in fact, positions, including Campania, which provided partial data, were adjusted based on data for the week ending 25 October. For tomorrow, however, it is necessary to deliver the data of the one that ended on November 1 and it seems that the trend is that of a movement towards the orange zone. Confirmation that it will arrive between Saturday and Sunday when the new decisions will be made official and will remain in force for at least 15 days.
However, it is chaos and the air between the prime minister and the governors is increasingly tense. With the latter two days ago, a very tough document was unanimously approved that expressed “strong perplexity and concern” about the new Dpcm. Starting with the data used to verify which danger zone a region ends in. “It is essential to establish a cross-examination for the examination of the data with the regional health departments. The procedures are not clear – they write – and the ways in which the areas are defined. And, they add, “the roles of the regions are compressed and emptied.” A strong friction that can only be alleviated with the moral suasion of President Mattarella. But yesterday afternoon, Governor De Luca made all this discomfort plastic.
«The last Dpcm establishes the mobility block from 22 to 5. It seems frankly that it is one more measure than against Covid, against stray animals, since it does not affect 99 percent of citizens. But the serious thing is that, meanwhile, -de Luca attacks- nothing is decided with respect to the tens of thousands of people who, on weekends, on Sundays, flock to walks and in the historic centers, without work reasons . or health, and in the absence of any control ». Then a hard blow against the government: “Instead of clearly choosing the line of prevention of contagion, we choose to intervene after the contagion has broken out. It is a not very responsible line and, above all, it is not very effective from the point of view of results. Furthermore, not all citizens have been given the perception of the drama of the situation, pushing many people, also due to the lack of rigorous and effective controls, towards real lax or irresponsible behaviors. IT IS A new regional ordinance is planned for today to keep schools closed despite the fact that Campania belongs to an area where it is not planned.
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Meanwhile, the latest report of Campania infections does not draw any good. The percentage of positive swabs has dropped to 19.2 percent (21.5 the day before), but in objective terms, the number of positives exceeds 4,000 for the first time (4,181 of 21,684 swabs). And, finally, the number of people in intensive care has dropped but only due to one mistake: not the 227 reported but the 182.
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