Today the Senate board has expressed itself on the subject. “The board – declared the president Maurizio Gasparri at the end of the council chamber – resolves to propose to the Senate the annulment of the election of Senator Vincenzo Carbone in the Campania region. “Now, therefore, take the floor in the Hall of Palazzo Madama.
During the session, which began in the early afternoon, both protagonists were present. Lotito preferred not to speak, but his lawyer supported him on appeal. Massimo Luciani. “The problem is very simple -explained the lawyer- and concerns the ‘government’ of the management of the remains.” According to Luciani, “the university should be assigned to Lotito simply interpreting current regulations “.
Diametrically opposite is the response of the former Forza Italia senator. “I hope – argued Carbone during the hearing – that the result of the chamber of the council of the board is not taken for granted and that the members can reach a correct conclusion”. “Honestly,” he concluded, “having to find myself in this situation puzzles me. I would never have believed that they would point me out as the abusive senator.”
Renzian senators in a note defended Carbone and defined the board’s proposal to suspend him as “very serious and not very transparent.” In addition, they write, “the revocation of the criteria for the allocation of seats voted today by the board could subvert for a significant number of seats, in the current legislature, the very composition of the Chamber. We cannot stop remembering,” the senators conclude. Italia Viva – that the appellant’s artificial interpretation mechanism was endorsed without an exhaustive and reliable investigation, since it was established that several valid cards are no longer recoverable due to having been destroyed “-