Campania self-certification, here is the form to download for the red zone


Campania self-certificationCampania self-certification

Campania self-certification, here is the downloadable form: the Region becomes the red zone on November 15

Campania Self-Certification – Enter the red zone Campania region: it will be from Sunday, November 15, 2020. All unnecessary movements are prohibited even within the municipality itself. For this, it will be necessary to have serious reasons, to be signed in a self-certification that, if then false, runs the risk of having strong consequences.

Campania self-certification, here is the form to download

In Campania, therefore, as in the other red areas, any movement is prohibited, even within the municipality itself, at any time. Obviously, “valid and proven” reasons are an exception, including work, health, and need in the first place. For those who declare false self-certifications, beware that on the one hand you risk a fine of 400 to 1,000 euros for violating the anti-coronavirus containment measures; But there is also the risk of being denounced for false certification and false statements, with a criminal offense that in case of conviction is punishable by imprisonment of one to six years, according to article 495 of the Penal Code.

Campania self-certification: downloadable form below

The self-certification form

According to the DPCM, there is the possibility of moving for “valid and proven reasons.” Reasons why, however, you must be certified and declared in a special self-certification model, as already in March and April. The form, attached to the Decree of the Prime Minister of November 13, is free to download and must be provided whenever requested by the police during street checks. This is the form to travel:

Self-Declaration Model E … by Annalisa Cangemi
