Campania red zone, De Luca throws the mess with the right: “Better a government of national unity than these fans.” Di Maio: “His dramas are paid for by the Campania region”


“Instead shatter it would be better to have a Government of national unity, of respectable people, which does not produce the chaos that has occurred in Italy. In these conditions better send the government home“. The Governor of Campania, Vincenzo De Luca, shoot live Facebook against the executive headed by Giuseppe Conte guilty, according to him, of not having moved over time and with choices designed to limit health crisis in which there are some Italian regions, including the one governed by the exponent of the Democratic Party that now seems destined to expand the group of those of Red zone, Together with Tuscany. “Without prejudice to 3-4 ministers, it is not a government,” he added. “If you have to stay in government with these characters, it would be better to send them home because it is not tolerable, I told some exponents of the P.S, no collaborative relationship with ministers such as Spadafora who said bestiality or with the gentleman whose name I mentioned (Luigi Di Maio, ed.) that I challenged a public debate years ago and renew the invitation on live TV, hoping that he does not do the rabbit as he did in the previous 3-4 years ”.

The Chancellor is at the center of the attacks launched by the President of Campania due to his latest statements in which he defined the “desperate” region asking “immediately new red zones”: “Di Maio was the one who criticized our choice of modular hospitals because according to him public money was wasted – he added -, he is one of the exponents of the government that should have worked hard to get the Medical staff. I wanted to keep holding the curator in Campania, so we would end up worse than him Calabria. And speak, speak. I want to stop because the very name of this topic gives me instinctive reactions that I would like to control at least for the next few hours.

Di Maio responded remotely claiming that “it seems that yesterday in State-Regions Conference President De Luca improvised one Neapolitan parody reject any kind of government aid, from the army to the support of doctors and hospitals to civil protection. It seems that all is well for him in Campania and that there is no need for help. In Campania there are those who die alone slumped in the hospital toilets or even coming car care. I don’t know if President De Luca is hiding something, but there was certainly no need to wait for the data to declare the maximum alert in Campania, given the scenarios these days in the emergency room. The problem is that it is not himself who pays for his mistakes, but the people of Campania, among other things, it is my land, my people. The government cannot allow this, ”he wrote in a statement. The head of the Farnesina added later that “in the last hours, the Higher Institute of Health, which is doing well, is placing Campania in the red zone. But that is not enough. Now, however, we send the aid to the Campania Region and I hope that President De Luca, with a touch of humility that never hurts, can accept it, putting the interests of the community before his own. personal selfishness. Army medical tents are set up in front of hospitals in many regions of Italy, it is not clear why they cannot exist in Campania. In conclusion, De Luca is certainly responsible for having mismanaged Campania’s health system in recent years ”.

The governor states, however, that the alarm about the deterioration of the health situation was launched from the Campania region as early as October: “We were about to close everything in October, for a month, to have an operation to stop the infection and that would have given us peace of mind Christmas. We have always had one more penalty line than the others, alone. The Government has made another choice, has decided to make progressive initiatives, drink shredded measures, making the choice of the so-called proportional responseThe more contagion increases, the more we act. A totally wrong choice because contagion does not increase linearly but exponentially. This government election has lost us two precious months during which we have had a dramatic increase in infections and deaths ”. And he defines the division of Italy into zones as a “thoughtless choice”, then speaking of school: “They decided they should stay open. Remember the statements of the Azzolina supported by the Prime Minister. Now they have done what we did a month ago and nobody has apologized ”.

On this point, the secretary of the Democratic Party and governor of Lazio, Nicola Zingaretti, speaking simultaneously with Today is another day its Rai 1, he wanted to acknowledge to his colleague the fact that “he had a merit, first sounded the alarm on this second wave. Until twenty days ago there was a wrong narration of the situation, I fought and they insulted me because I banned the public in International Tennis. When we asked for caution, we looked crazy“.

De Luca continues with his invective also criticizing the story about Campania in recent weeks: “Naples and Campania cannot stop being the worst of the worst and if we are not there are people who are sick in Italy and some idiots in Naples too, “he said after citing the case of patient found dead in bathroom at the Cardarelli hospital. “I read in the newspapers that ‘in the hospitals of Campania you die in the baths’. An endless shame, there are no words for what they have unleashed against us ”. “The things we are seeing are largely there modern form of anti-surism, a anti-napoletanism that always remains under a trace and that before each emergency comes to the surface, explodes and manifests itself in many different ways – he explained later – In this circumstance it manifests itself in the forms of a campaign of political and media looting against Campania, that is, against the citizens of Campania, against the thousands and thousands of doctors and nurses, personnel who are giving a heroic test in some cases of responsibility and adherence to duty and also of civic pride ”.

Meanwhile, from north to south, the restrictive measures released independently by governors and by mayors to further limit infections. After the common ordinance launched by Zaia, Bonaccini and Fedriga, which provides for the closure of shops on Sundays, the ban on walk in historic centers and new restrictions in shopping centers, including the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca had opened the possibility of establishing red zones “in cities where there is a high level of infections“. Starting since Naples, where however the mayor Luigi De Magistris It has decided to go ahead of the Region and the executive by approving a provision that arrives in the afternoon. “I will take steps to try to contain the crowd, but to show the national government and the regional government that, after 20 days of my requests, they still do not tell us if the reality is the same as the data ”, explained a Radio 24. Mouth sewn into the content of the ordinance: “I certainly do not close individual roads and I don’t close the whole city. We will all do a job together to intervene where the children are trained meetings“.
