Campania, order of De Luca: obligation to return home before 11 pm and distance education


The governor’s new provision remains in effect until October 31, when the Crisis Unit will reevaluate the coronavirus situation in the region. The text confirms distance education for schools, except for kindergartens and kindergartens, as well as the obligation to return home at 11:00 pm and the prohibition of interprovincial mobility. Strong recommendation not to move away from your municipality. For catering activities, take away food is prohibited (with some exceptions) but home delivery is allowed.

Distance education for schools (except kindergartens and kindergartens) is confirmed, as well as the obligation to return home at 11 pm and the prohibition of interprovincial mobility. For catering activities, take away food is prohibited (with some exceptions) but home delivery is allowed. This is the new order of the Governor of Campania Vincenzo De Luca that aims to counteract the spread of the coronavirus. The provision has yet to be signed, but progress has been released. The Dpcm “is a step forward but it is not enough, it will not be enough,” De Luca said on Rai’s program “Che tempo che fa” in reference to the latest government measure. “We could have taken two options: close everything for a month or take more intermediate measures. The government has chosen the second path,” he added. For the Governor of Campania, in the Dpcm there are “some critical issues”: such as “the opening of restaurants and bars”. While “the entertainment sector, theater, cinema, cultural operators, gyms are in great suffering and honestly those are not the places where infection is determined” (LIVE UPDATES – THE SPECIAL).

Confirmed distance learning for schools

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Ordinance number 85 of De Luca establishes that, “except for kindergartens and kindergartens (0-6 years), the regional provisions on distance education in primary and secondary schools are confirmed, except for projects for students with spectrum disorders, autistic students and / or or disabled, already adopted with Ordinance No. 82, as well as the regional provisions in force for distance education in universities “. The reaction of the Minister of Education, Lucía Azzolina, did not wait: “The school did not affect the increase in infections. I hope that De Luca reopens the first cycle of education. Also because children otherwise end up on the street, in a region where school dropouts are high. And then the mothers of these children have the right to go to work “, he also told” Che tempo che fa “.

It is recommended not to depart from your municipality

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Regarding travel, the provision confirms the night closure: the obligation to return home at 11 pm is maintained, as recently agreed in agreement with the Minister of Health. The prohibition of interprovincial mobility also remains in force. In the text there is also a strong recommendation (also contained in the Dpcm of October 24) not to leave the municipal area unless it is strictly necessary. The time slot 6-8.30 for jogging has been confirmed.

Measures for restoration activities

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Coronavirus, all measures in the new October Dpcm

The ordinance also establishes restrictions for restoration activities. Take away food is prohibited, except in stores with delivery to the user by car and with remote reservation system). On the other hand, home delivery is allowed, with the last delivery starting at 11:00 p.m. For the rest, reference is made to the provisions of the last Dpcm (EL PDF): bars, restaurants, pubs, etc … on Sundays) from 5 to 18, with a maximum of 4 people at the same table (with the exception of large families), then only home delivery and take away is allowed (but you cannot consume food bought in public places, on the street and in squares).

Provisions in force until October 31


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The new provisions of De Luca are in force until October 31, when the Crisis Unit will carry out new evaluations based on the epidemiological trend that will have been registered in the regional and local context. In addition, the Crisis Unit received the mandate to evaluate before October 28, together with the ANCI, any information necessary with a view to commemorating the dead (November 1 and 2).

Coronavirus cases in Campania

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In Campania, in the last hours there has been a clear increase in positive cases (and swabs): 2,590 infected in 16,906 tests examined (yesterday they were 1,718 positive in 12,530 swabs). In the last 24 hours there have been no deaths, while 173 people have recovered. As for the beds occupied in hospitals by Covid patients, there are 113 in intensive care and in other wards 1,151.
