
Tomorrow it will be decided whether Campania will continue to be the yellow zone, if it will become the orange zone or if it will directly become the Covid-19 red zone. Verifications of epidemiological data of all Italian regions are being carried out on the day of tomorrow only those from Campania will be examined. Today, at the end of the meeting between the National Scientific Technical Committee, the Control Room of the Ministry of Health and the Regions, it was decided to move from the yellow zone to the orange zone of 5 regions, starting next Wednesday, November 11: Abruzzo, Umbria, Basilicata, Liguria and Tuscany. The result was anticipated by the President of the Abruzzo Region, Marco Marsilio, the ordinance must be signed at night by the Ministry of Health Roberto Speranza.
Among the 21 parameters that are taken into account is theRt, which indicates the contagion rate (It is essentially the same “old” index of R0, R with zero, but the period in which it is calculated changes: in the first case it was related to the pandemic in its onset, while in the case of Rt it indicates the rate of transmission after containment rules). However, the calculation of the Rt factor itself is controversial: if for some only the symptomatic must be taken into account, for others the infected must be taken into account in its entirety. The Rt factor of Campania would be in the limits of 1.50, which is the threshold that triggers the transition between the yellow area and the orange area.
Reconfirmation of the Campania hypothesis in the yellow zone
At the end of tomorrow’s meeting, Campania could still be the Covid yellow zone. In fact, the control room would have judged that the situation was stable at the moment in Campania, but the last word will rest with the Ministry of Health. The “color” of Campania could remain unchanged because the situation of the regional health system, with the current number of infections and hospitalizations, could still support the lighter class.
Among the critical issues on which Palazzo Santa Lucia works, is the increase in the number of anesthetists, necessary to activate new ones. beds in intensive care. The problem also arose in the Crisis Unit. The first specialists should arrive tomorrow at ASL Napoli 1. While among the points in favor would be the low mortality rate compared to other regions.
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