
ROMA patients are fleeing Campania, which cannot give an answer to all Covid patients. They are reaching the south of Lazio, which, however, cannot afford to lose precious beds, in a delicate phase of the epidemic. At the same time, in Naples the hospitals are in emergency, there are those who say that the oxygen cylinders are missing.
He died in the bathroom of the Cardarelli in Naples, another 4 Covid deaths in the emergency room
Naples, suspected Covid patient found dead in the bathroom of the Cardarelli hospital. Video crash on social media. Di Maio: intervene immediately
Yesterday in the emergency room of the Cardarelli Hospital a video was filmed in which we see a dead patient in the bathroom, collapsed on the floor, with the door open, in the next room dozens of patients huddled together witnessing the scene, apparently without a real guarantee of measures to limit the spread of the virus. “In Campania, the epidemic emergency has been out of control for days and the health system is collapsing,” denounce two CGIL trade unionists, while Cardarelli’s general director, Giuseppe Longo, responds: “It is unfortunate that similar events are subjected to exploitation aimed at building terrible and dangerous suggestions in the public opinion. ”The Ministry of Health has sent inspectors to Campania to verify the situation in the field which, surprisingly, based on the 21 indicators, results in a band yellow, therefore low risk.
“We have patients on stretchers, chairs, folding seats, wherever they can be kept under observation to give them treatment and not send them back home,” they tell Asl Napoli 3 Sud, which includes the Castellammare di Stabia hospital where they were counted. in 24 hours, 4 deaths in the emergency room, all elderly on a stretcher. Gaetano Cimmino, Mayor of Castellammare di Stabia: “We are witnessing scenes of war that until recently were unimaginable in all of Campania”. In recent days, photos of ambulances lined up in front of the emergency room with the sick visited in the vehicle have been published, also taken in Naples. “There are two different stories – tells a Neapolitan doctor who asks for anonymity – The story told by the 21 indicators, used by the control room to decide the yellow, orange and red areas, speaks of a health system that endures, that is better those of the other regions; and then there is the reality that the front-line doctors live every day, with the hospitals raided, the beds that do not reach, the situation out of control, especially in Naples and in the province of Caserta We need to clarify. “Two cases of escaped patients came from the province of Caserta who asked Lazio hospitals for help. Lazio’s health councilor, Alessio D’Amato, says:” Our hospitals do not fire anyone, we cannot refuse. “to give care to the sick. That said, we need to manage this phenomenon, we need a national leadership, as happened during the first wave when we received patients from the North in intensive care. P But these days, even to us, every bed is precious. What happened? The other night, a patient with Covid symptoms arrived at the Goretti hospital in Latina. We take into account that even in front of the Pontine emergency room there were ten ambulances in a row with patients at risk of Covid. The eleventh came from Campania. It was a private vehicle, paid for by the patient’s family. There was a stir, because it was normal access, not reserved for Covid patients. When the doctors understood that the patient came from Campania, the problem was raised and the carabinieri were called. Epilogue: They told him to respect the Covid line, he was finally hospitalized.
An episode similar to the one in the Formia hospital: a private car arrived from Campania, also in this case on board there was a patient with the symptoms of Covid. Same ending: queue, visit and hospitalization. Councilor D’Amato observes: “This situation needs to be watched. There is a national system that has to manage this type of hospitalization from one region to another for Covid. Losing beds becomes a problem for us at this stage. We cannot contain our coronavirus emergency and at the same time that of Campania.
Last updated: 17:48