
You may like it or not. The Roman Democratic Party, to which it handed over Campania in September, collects 70% of the votes, if you like it, but it will always mistrust it, given the impossibility of controlling it, but not even vaguely inspiring it. She had a flirtation with Renzi, but that’s a thing of the past. As for the grillini, who broke politics in Campania two years ago, he hates them even more than Salvini, and he annihilated them in the Regionals. It is unlikely that he will be liked by his colleagues, and even journalists, because he is a paunchy man who does not like mediations. However, it is successful among moderate voters and those of the center-right, especially non-sovereign voters, because they are sung to the grillini as not even Sgarbi and because, after Maurizio Crozza’s imitation of them, he in turn imitated them in certain press conferences that seem pure cabaret, he seems to have replaced Totò in the Neapolitan critique of Italian evils. Before Covid they abandoned him; then the virus forgave his land and became more popular than San Gennaro. But if one is not truly holy, the glory of the world passes quickly. It has been a month since the Crown has hit Campania, which last night made the double jump, from yellow to red, so as not to turn black for deaths. He, the president Vincenzo De Luca, I dont like him. And he fired his famous flamethrower at “an amateur government that should go home.”
President, six months ago you were the anti-Covid hero, today you are in trouble: how did it happen?
“If we vote tomorrow instead of 70, I get 80% of the votes. Nobody confuses their wishes with reality. Today, those who have participated in a campaign of political and media looting against Campania, and against the only president who had said the true two months ago, and having implemented in advance the measures that everyone is taking today, they are in difficulties.
How is the real situation in Campania hospitals today?
“It is well maintained, in a context of general heaviness. We have rigorously implemented a hospital plan defined in August with our CEOs. We doubled our intensive care in a few months; we have hundreds of hospital beds available. There is a crowding as in all Italy, in the emergency rooms. And there is a great shortage of anesthesiologists above all: this is our true criticality.
But are you satisfied with the red zone or not?
“I am the only one who proposed it. It was necessary to implement a plan for the true prevention of the infection, before it spread. Everything had to be closed in October, and with a single national measure and not with late, partial measures that only produced division and confusion.
Has the government hesitated to turn Campania into a red zone for fear of a social unrest after the street riots in Naples?
«Respect for those who have serious social problems. We are the only region that has implemented a socio-economic assistance plan for families, retirees, companies, professionals, worth more than one billion. So help those who really suffer. But against criminals we need an iron hand. There are some administrators in Naples who have not yet had the courage and dignity to condemn those who promote guerrilla warfare and to show solidarity with the police.
Why did you attack the Giallorossi government?
«I have been in the line of Covid prevention. The government has chosen the wrong line in the run-up to Covid. When I closed the schools, Minister Azzolina and the Prime Minister attacked me, only to do a month later what we had already done in Campania. We have had a test of ordinances and decrees that have created a chaotic situation. It was a serious mistake to divide Italy into zones, both from the point of view of the fight against Covid, and from the political and social point of view. Conflicts and divisions between territories and social categories have been intensified ”.
What, in your opinion, was the most serious mistake?
«A sensational mistake has been made: it has not been defined, and it is still missing! – an exceptional mobilization plan for anti-Covid efforts and the organic participation of tens of thousands of law enforcement officers, the army and the municipal police. The territory remained uncontrolled. The ordinances fell on deaf ears. And in the end, there was the madness of “objective” criteria. How is it possible to take Campania from the yellow zone to the red one, from Tuesday to Friday? What has changed in three days? ».
What answer do you give?
“Either they were distracted before or they were distracted later. Or they didn’t have the strength to resist the wave of media aggression. It is disconcerting. I can only ask the government to speak up, if it can. And erase all gray areas, if only to protect your image.
“Do you think a public health government would be better at this time?
The tragedy of Italy is that we have a shameful opposition, almost more than a few five-star ministers. An opposition that has been distinguished by demagoguery and irresponsibility, lost in the subculture of tweeting. Under different conditions, a government of national unity should have already been created involving, in addition to the quality ministers that there are, even independent personalities ”.
Mayor De Magistris attacks you violently: what does he reply?
“I don’t take care of anything. The individual you have recklessly mentioned represents the greatest administrative disaster in Italy. ‘
Who yesterday applauded her for the press conferences on boar jogging and the flamethrower against private parties today accuses her of having done theater to cover the deficiencies of Campania: what do you answer?
They are extravagant. They are the ones who, hidden behind the nonsense and folklore, do not submit to the effort of being informed, of studying, of knowing the administrative results, to talk about the merits.
He was confirmed as president of Campania with a plebiscite only two months ago: how much did Covid weigh in his confirmation?
“The fact of having saved Campania from Covid (we are the Region with the lowest Covid mortality rate in Italy) weighed heavily. And the extraordinary results produced in matters of health, transport, school, public works, environment, payment times, legality, research, sport and the Universiade have weighed on them … But I have never heard from anyone. Knowing is exhausting. It is easier to speak from hearsay and re-propose frankly unbearable platitudes.
Was it good or lucky on the first wave? And in the second?
“We work as usual. Nothing has changed: concreteness, seriousness, ideal tension and spartan rigor. As Manzoni said, life is the comparison of words. The unit of measure of work is facts, not gossip or ideologies.
Who was wrong in this round: the Neapolitans, Conte, you, anyone?
“First of all the government, for the reasons mentioned. And then that limited part of irresponsible citizens, used to not respecting the rules. Those who were supposed to control the territory and did not. Those local administrators who did nothing out of opportunism. As for the Region, they have performed one more miracle in achieving today’s results, in health and hospital matters, with 20,000 fewer employees. They should thank us face down. And everyone should convince themselves to abandon the old images of Campania and die hard prejudices. Campania today is ready to accept the challenge of efficiency for all ».
What do you think of Minister Speranza, who had already editorially closed the Covid alarm with his book “How are we going to heal?”
What Christmas will this year be at the Cupiello house?
«With family warmth, as always. In this at least, we are proudly Southerners and conservatives. When will you return to Naples? “Why did you find out about my transfer abroad?”
What final message do you want to send to your citizens?
«Of rigor and responsibility, which we must have here more than in other regions of Italy. Of civic pride in the face of a campaign of political media looting, which reveals the existence in Italy of latent racism and which aims, too openly, to hit one of the few politicians who refuses to belong to currents, corporations, cross-sectional swamps and opportunistic, but who remains above all a free man. And finally, a message of confidence. We will come out of this dramatic season with our heads held high.