“Campania excluded from the orange zone”, but the risk of the red zone remains


Campania divided into yellow, orange and red areas
Campania divided into yellow, orange and red areas

In the last 24 hours, 25,271 new cases of Covid have been identified in Italy, about 7,000 fewer than yesterday but with 43,000 fewer swabs than on Saturday: yesterday 147,725 versus 191,144. The positive / swab ratio is 17.1%. On the other hand, the increase in victims has increased slightly, 356 in the last 24 hours, while yesterday it was 331. The total number of deaths since the beginning of the pandemic amounts to 41,750 while the total number of infected people, including victims and recovered, it reaches 960,373.

Minister Speranza anticipated the outcome of the meeting that established the approval of theAbruzzo, along with four other Regions Umbria, Basilicata, Liguria and Tuscanyin the orange zone. The effects of the provision that the minister is preparing to sign in the afternoon will come into effect on Wednesday. This was stated by the President of Abruzzo, Marco Marsilio.

What about Campania?

Campania, which was the subject of attention, therefore appears not to be included in this list. Now it is necessary to understand if it will remain in the yellow zone or even end up directly in the red one. According to what has been learned, from sources in the Ministry of Health, a new verification of epidemiological data is being carried out that will affect all the other Regions of Italy.. Tomorrow will be entirely dedicated to the situation in the Campania region.

Campania between yellow, orange and red: what can change after today’s CTS meeting

The tangle of data remains to be unraveled. In the work of the figures and the 21 parameters that establish the three risk areas are the government, the Covid control room and the CTS itself. The “verdict”, with the usual weekly report from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, is postponed with respect to the announced times. In the data validation phase for the same regions, for which a maximum time of 24 hours is expected, some have requested more time and the control room meeting will only take place in the next few hours. Across the country, the number of places occupied in intensive care reached 2,749 (+115) while 26,440 patients were hospitalized with symptoms (+1,331) in hospitals. According to the trend of the data that emerged in recent days, Campania, Tuscany and Veneto, so far yellow areas, could regress towards orange or even red risk assessment in the next report. In Tuscany, it is mainly the RSA guests who care, where almost one in ten elderly is positive. Of some 12,500 patients in the more than 300 facilities, 1,103 are infected, with various levels of symptoms and severity, while there are about 100 cases among operators, so the Region is preparing a special plan to separate those infected from those who are infected. negatives.


Orange level measurements include travel limits. The entry and exit of these regions is prohibited, except in the case of trips motivated by “proven needs”: work, health and emergency reasons. Transfers “strictly necessary to guarantee the realization of face-to-face teaching” are still allowed. Return to your home or residence is also allowed. Regarding travel between municipalities, any movement, by public or private means of transport, to a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile is prohibited. Also in this case, the movement is allowed for the usual “proven needs”. As for sports, you can perform physical and sports activities within your own municipality and outdoors.

Measurements for bars and restaurants

Also, in the orange areas, bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors and patisseries are closed. The dining rooms and catering remain open. Catering is allowed with home delivery and, until 10.00 pm, to take away (with prohibition of consumption on site or nearby).


Marked “very high risk”, the so-called red zone identified by the government. In addition to the restrictions in force throughout the national territory (therefore, a curfew from 22.00 to 5.00 and the obligation to wear a mask even outdoors), residents in these regions will have to comply with even more rigid and strict rules, very similar if not identical to those already experienced during the confinement in March and April.

Limits to travel
– Free movement is not allowed except for reasons of work, urgency or absolute necessity: “Any movement is prohibited, even within the municipality itself, at any time, except for motivated reasons.”

– To leave home, therefore, a self-certification is required, indicating the reason for leaving and any destination. In any case, it is always “allowed to return to your house, home or residence”.

– In any case, it is allowed to take individual walks near your home, respecting the distance of at least one meter from any other person and with the obligation of a mask.

– It is allowed to carry out sports activities exclusively outdoors and individually (running, cycling, not necessarily near the place of residence).

– With self-certification, it is allowed to go to all stores and commercial activities that remain open, such as supermarkets, opticians, dealerships, hardware stores (list below).

Open and closed business activities
The Dpcm requires the closure of all commercial activities and the sale of retail goods or services considered not of primary necessity, but others remain open and therefore you can go to them.

– Bars, restaurants and patisseries may only work with take away food service (until 10 pm) and with home delivery.

– Closed wellness centers, gyms and swimming pools.

– Hairdressers and barbers are open while beauty centers are closed, supermarkets (and with them all food stores), pharmacies and parapharmacies are also open.

– Among the other activities that remain open (precisely because they are considered essential), there are also kiosks, bookstores and stationeries, computers, electronics and appliances, sporting goods and bicycle stores, car and motorcycle dealerships, stores that sell cleaning products home and personal care (including laundries and dry cleaners), hardware stores, flower shops and nurseries, pet stores, and children’s clothing and toy stores.

You go to school until the sixth grade

– The decree imposes distance education from the second grade. Only children from infant and toddler centers, kindergartens, primary and secondary schools will enter the classroom (but always with a mask on their face even when sitting at the desks from 6 years old) which therefore , they can be accompanied by their parents to school.

– Cinemas, theaters and museums and all sports centers, even outdoors, are closed.
