Campania at risk of the orange zone, restaurants closed even for lunch, stop moving


Lombardy, Piedmont and Calabria at risk of red zone. In the evening, Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte will sign the new decree containing even stricter anti-Covid measures to try to contain the second wave of coronavirus infections in Italy. But above all, and this is the novelty, the document provides different rules for the areas, called red, orange and green.

The main details of the text of the new provision are known nationally: 100% distance education in secondary schools, limits on mobility between regions at risk, shopping centers closed on weekends and holidays. Also stop the activities of shops and markets in the regions, provinces and municipalities of maximum risk. The draft of the Dpcm of article 1 ter provides for this.

“Retail commercial activities are suspended, except for the sale of food products.” And again: museums, bingo halls and betting houses will not open, public transport could be 50 percent full and there will be limits on the movement of people at night with a curfew starting from 10 pm at 5 am. In the red areas “are activities related to personal services, including hairdressers, barbers and beauticians, are suspended.”

The second area – writes – it is the orange to which Puglia, Liguria and Campania and perhaps also Veneto are a part: restaurants remain closed, their shutters remain closed all day and not only after 6 p.m. However, hairdressers and beauty centers are safe . Therefore, in addition to the lockdown of the premises, the general rules remain in force. Here dad will be alone for high school, students will be able to attend until the eighth grade. Movements between municipalities could also stop in areas that fall into ‘orange’ regions, or where the risk of Covid is intermediate, but for now it remains one of the hypotheses on the government table.

Orange areas – write – are those characterized by a scenario of high severity and a high level of risk, but which, however, are not that of the red zones, but rather are characterized by a scenario of very high risk. According to what emerged from the last weekly monitoring dossier carried out by the Higher Institute of Health and the Ministry of Health, the regions, observed in a special way but with the Rt index, that is, the virus transmissibility index, could not fall within this area. greater than 1.5, considered the critical threshold, and with intensive therapies not yet close to immediate saturation.

In the orange areas, as is clear from the draft of the new Dpcm, any movement in and out of the Municipality is prohibited, except those motivated by proven work needs or situations of need or for health reasons. In any case, the movements strictly necessary to ensure the realization of face-to-face teaching are allowed within the limits in which it is allowed.

Return home, home or residence is allowed. Likewise, any movement by means of public or private transport in a municipality other than that of residence, domicile or domicile is prohibited, except for a proven need for work or study, for health reasons, due to situations of need or to carry out activities. o Take advantage of the services not suspended and not available in this municipality and catering services are suspended (including bars, pubs, restaurants, ice cream parlors, patisseries), with the exception of dining rooms and continuous catering on a contractual basis provided they are I respected the protocols or guidelines aimed at preventing or containing contagion.

Only catering with home delivery is allowed in compliance with sanitary and hygienic regulations for both packaging and transport activities, as well as catering with take-out food until 10:00 p.m., with prohibition of consumption on the spot or at the vicinity. In any case, the food and beverage service points located in the service and refueling areas located on the highways, hospitals and airports remain open, with the obligation to guarantee in all cases the respect of the interpersonal distance of at least one meter .
