Calhanoglu Towards Renewal – The Outdoor Agent


This is Gordon Stipic, Hakan Calhanoglu’s agent. The Turk and Milan are now really closer and the renewal seems to be one step away

Calhanoglu Agent Renewal
Hakan Calhanoglu (© Getty Images)

The long-awaited summit between the leaders of the Milan and Gordon Stypical, agent of Calhanoglu, it happened in the afternoon. We have told you, in these hours, that the parties have come closer although there is still no agreement on the renewal.

After the pessimism of recent days, with the Turk who seemed destined to leave the Rossoneri, there is now the conviction that the last word has not yet been written.

There is the will of both to reach an agreement, also because Calhanoglu gave priority to Milan. The offers from Juventus, Inter and Manchester United are there, but the Rossoneri represent their first option today.

Read also:

Stipic’s words

The optimism after the summit confirms it himself Stypical, who spoke to TMW as follows: “It was a positive meeting. We are in the negotiation phase, let’s see, we are working on that and we will do it again. That is why we will keep in constant contact with the Milan management for future appointments ”.

The parts will almost certainly meet again after January 7 for another, perhaps decisive update.
