It starts with Sampdoria, then Rome and Naples follow, some potentially less strong teams and then Lazio a few more breaks, Atalanta and conclusion with Milan and Inter. This is in line with the trajectory of Juventus, balanced, perfect for a consolidated team, perhaps less so for those who are in the embryonic phase and with a project that we can define as new with many staff uncertainties, but also in form with a rookie coach.
Andrea Pirlo has guessed the first with a Genoese, it will be Sampdoria, a formation of the old Ranieri volpone, which should not be underestimated, it will not be the unloaded team that gave the title to the Bianconeri.
TRAPPOLINE – It is clear that at the calendar level there will be cheating, the second with Roma is not a simple game, in fact. Last year Juventus won in Rome but they did it with a very painful game, the same happens with the game against Napoli which will later be in the third. The Bianconeri at home won just 4-3 with a final own goal, then lost to San Paolo and on penalties in the Italian Cup match.
EFFETTO STADIUM – If on the one hand Andrea Pirlo will have to try to get the team, especially on defense, ready for the games against Rome and Naples, on the other hand it is expected that there will be a public soon at the Stadium. The Piedmont Region, in fact, asked to authorize the opening of the Allianz Stadium. The document was sent by the Region to Rome for the green light of Cts. “It is possible to return to normality, with great respect for infection prevention standards,” says Governor Alberto Cirio on the sidelines of the inauguration of the new Covid testing laboratory. “The objective of the club – he explains – is to be prepared for the first game”
Everyone hopes that the stadium will soon be ready to receive the public. The Stadium effect was also felt during the confinement, but with the public it is something else.
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