The thought of those close to stillness turns tofuture pension amount and also to calculation that will be applied in the determination of the social security allocation.
We reply to a Money.it reader who writes us:
“Good morning, from an estimate that the INPS made me next October 2021 I have 42 years and 10 months of contributions, I am a precocious worker, then I have to wait for the famous window of the Fornero law, of 3 months, so I must go in January or February 2022, with which, at my discretion, do I withdraw with the mixed or contributory system as has been talked about lately?
I wait with the mixed system since I am 42 and 10 months old in 2021 “
Calculation of pensions, with what system?
In recent weeks, the total recalculation of the contribution of the social security check but just as a hypothesis for a future measure that could be inserted, at the end of 2021, to replace the 100 quota that expires at the end of next year.
It is not, therefore, a calculation that applies to all future pensions and, among other things, it is not even certain that it will be approved for the reform we are talking about.
For him early retirement, the old-age pension, but also for the same quota 100, as well as for all the other measures currently in force (with the sole exclusion of contributory pensions and the women’s option), the calculation of the allowance is made:
- with contributory regime if the contributions were paid from 1996;
- with a salary system until December 31, 2011, if the contributions paid as of December 31, 1995 were at least 18 years old; from 2012 to retirement with contributory regime;
- if the contributions paid as of December 31, 1995, on the contrary, were less than 18 years old, with a salary system for the entire contribution amount accrued at the end of 1995 and with a contribution system for what was paid later.
In your case, therefore, if at December 31 you had already accrued 18 years of contributions, your allocation to social security will be calculated by applying the payment system until the end of 2011 and the contribution corresponding to the years of contribution paid subsequently.
If, on the other hand, he has not completed 18 years of contribution by the end of 1995, he will be subject to the system of remuneration for contributions paid until December 31, 1995 and the contribution system for those accrued after that date.
“If you have any doubts or questions, please contact us at the email address ask for [email protected]”