The health commissioner in Calabria remains on the national political agenda: Zuccatelli is moving towards resignation, and that would be good and correct. But the problem is not the commissioner, but the commissioner: we should simply restore the health of the Calabrians to the … Calabrians
Calabria does not need war doctors or prosecutors. Just as the Generals of the Carabinieri or other puppets sent as saviors of the homeland and then unmasked in all their inconsistency were not necessary and did not solve anything. It is rumored that Weather in Zuccatelli, the new health commissioner sought by the minister hope, stay “trying”His resignation with Palazzo Chigi. Who can’t fire you because you just named him, but would gladly step back after the fool you picked up just hours after your partner’s appointment? hope. The problem, according to insiders, would be how and where “Recycle” Weather in Zuccatelli: The 76-year-old from Romagna after having failed in the assault on the Chamber of Deputies in 2018 on the LeU list, would now have the problem of remaining in the pits. A tragedy, since his cock no longer works (“Now I use it as a catheter, if you find someone my age who says he fucks, don’t believe him“) And so I would like to continue using at least the brain.
Waiting for that Weather in Zuccatelli, hope me Conte In agreement on what to do, Calabrians hope that to guide their health there may be another type of profile. And all the political parties are moving in this direction, pushing each one for a different candidate. In particular the 5 star movement, which – it must be remembered – had chosen Cotticelli, so now at least for decency he should step aside in the new election, he proposed Gino Strada me Conte she would have called him by now. The center-right that leads the region, on the other hand, focuses everything on Bertolaso. Most of the participants in the popular poll “We elect the commissionerInstead, you are voting for Nicola Gratteri what does he have 35% of consentsBertolaso is second with him twenty%, Gino Strada is third with him sixteen%).
A prosecutor, an emergency management expert and a war medic. If these are the profiles, it means that in Calabria we have no hope. Because it should not be a ranking of the satisfaction of the man of dreams, but to guide Calabrian health care the supercommissars projected from above or the great professionals who deal with other areas in addition to health and / or come from contexts outside the Region we have already had many and they all failed. Up Gratteri it is clear that the problem does not arise at all: admitted (and not granted) that some politician takes it into consideration, it is certain that he would never accept it. He is a prosecutor, his job is to fight the ‘Ndrangheta and arrest criminals. It’s his calling, it’s what he loves to do. Can you see him managing hospitals and beds? It is not a role compatible with your skills, your studies, your career, your commitment. A prosecutor who has touched the office of Minister of Justice would never downsize to the point of becoming Calabrian health commissioner.
Bertolaso He is undoubtedly a great expert in emergencies, he is a doctor and as a consultant to the Lombardy and Marche Regions for the Covid-19 emergency, he confirmed his already outstanding skills in an excellent way in the years in which Civil Protection has triumphed. But first, they need to understand what they want me to do when I’m older. Will he be the next mayor of Rome? Or at least the candidate of the center-right, or part of the center-right? Are you a collaborator of other Regions? Do you want to return to Africa after the pandemic where you have carried out humanitarian missions? Calabria needs a full-time commitment, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in the area between Mormanno and Palizzi. And just a profile like that of Bertolaso you can guarantee it, unless you’ve given up everything else, moved in here, surrounded yourself with Calabrian sanitation skills, and devoted yourself exclusively to this.
Finally there Gino Strada, also here an extraordinary character, founder of Emergency and committed as a doctor in the most difficult theaters on the planet. But Cosenza is not Kabul, Reggio Calabria is not Damascus, Catanzaro is not Benghazi. In Calabria we do not starve (just a little while with this red zone …), the mines do not explode, we are not underprivileged, we need the alms of an ONLUS. Emergency e Gino Strada they do extraordinary things, and there are many places in the world that unfortunately (for them) or fortunately for us, have them I needed much more than the Calabrians.
Calabria, on the other hand, needs capable administrators, possibly Calabrians who have already worked in the area for their entire lives and therefore know all the criticisms and problems of the territory better than anyone who may come from outside. There are many names, it would be unfair to make one. From Cosenza to Reggio, from Catanzaro to Crotone and Vibo, in each province we have extraordinary excellence in the public and private health sector who know what the problems are and also have the right ideas on how to solve them. The crucial point, therefore, is not so much the commissioner, but the commissioner himself. Calabrian health care must return to Calabria. The commissioner has largely failed and we just have to take note. Alberto Cisternaeducated and highly trained anti-mafia magistrate, today in the reformer wrote that about the matter Cotticelli “The idea is shattered that the endemic and structural ills of the country’s bureaucratic systems can be tackled with the thaumaturgical intervention of men of order who, having abandoned the role of another profession, improvise as managers of complex and lame machines.“.
“Would be useful – he writes Tank – skills, scientific attitudes, complex managerial experiences, analytical knowledge of the rules of public finance. In place of these unattainable rulers of public affairs, national politics and beyond, it responds with the selection and dispatch to the war zone of subjects with (more or less) reflected careers consumed in sectors of the public administration conceived as ideally. exempted. of illegal contamination. As if the complex state apparatus had inexhaustible fields of professionalism and morality to turn to in an emergency, it was not even Cincinnatus’ Rome. A paradox and a full-blown fiction if you only think about the cloud of scandals that runs through these same sectors of the public administration -from the judiciary to the police forces, through the armed forces or the prefects- that have richly filled with arrests the chronicles of recent times. and convictions, as well as ingrained phenomena of professional negligence“.
Tank then comes to the conclusion: “Thus, in a blatant way and not without naive implications, even in clumsy television justifications, the myth of the commissioner as a tool with which the unbridled regions of the South (in the first place Calabria) must be returned to the rule of law. The late Luigi De Sena (Deputy Chief of Police, Superprefect, Senator, Vice President of the Parliamentary Anti-Mafia Commission) had said it clearly: the police station of municipalities and local health authorities for mafia infiltration is a resounding failure, a regulatory aberration that must be shelved so As soon as possible. The idea that, with a few exits from the top of the Roman palaces, the conditions of democratic viability of the infected bureaucracies can be restored is above all the result of serious political and institutional myopia, the same that leads us to think that repressive action can only reverse the conditions of entire populations subdued by deviant and disreputable mafias and apparatus. But not only. This comfortable delegation in white (Cotticelli had been reconfirmed a few days ago without anyone having verified the anti-Covid action) also hides a nefarious intention, that of imprisoning the South forever in a completely negative representation, of painting it in the eyes. public opinion as an accumulation of irredeemable illegality. With the implicit afterthought that it is at least inconvenient to waste increasingly precious and scarce resources in that land of infidels. Let me be clear: the populations and ruling classes of the south have great responsibilities, but administering treatment based on wives and special commissioners has not and will not give any results, some decades amply demonstrate this. With the paradoxical consequence that the case of General Cotticelli has given breath back to those more backward components of the Southerner who, comfortably, blame the State for their own ills.“.
Now, therefore, instead of calling Gino Strada Continuing with the consideration of Calabria as a war zone, the Government withdraws the Calabrian Decree and restores its right to self-determination on this land. Since Rome many have already failed, it is no longer the time for experiments on the skin of Calabrians.
Cotticelli, come to the pizzerias of Calabria: the ‘Ndranghetisti find them more easily in the starred restaurants of Rome and Milan