(ANSA) – ROME, NOVEMBER 16 – “If Gino Strada is really available to be health commissioner in Calabria, the prime minister and the health minister can only do one thing to remedy the Cotticelli / Zuccatelli mess: sign today the appointment of Gino Strada as health commissioner in Calabria. Accompany him physically to Catanzaro. And give him all the powers. ” Iv leader Matteo Renzi writes it on Facebook. “Calabria’s health is in conditions that cannot be described: giving Gino Strada carte blanche is not the solution.
But it’s a great start. Because Strada is a man who does not look anyone in the face: he looks everyone in the eye, but does not look anyone in the face. And for Calabria we need such a person. Immediately ”, he concludes. (ANSA).