Calabria, President Spirlì: “Gino Strada to health? We do not need medical missionaries.” Zuccatelli zampa: “Consider quitting”


“But what does it have to do with it? Gino Strada. Calabria is a region of Italy, we don’t need missionary doctors, we don’t need it. “The Acting President of Calabria, Nino Spirlì, thus comments on the hypothesis of Palazzo Chigi on which to base founder of Emergency to restore the health of the Region. “We need that in Calabria, where we are good teachers, find out who has to deal with Calabrian health here. We don’t need to be enslaved in our healthcare ”, explains a Came back in La7. Then he attacks the executive: “Enough is enough, it’s one shame what the government must stop. We do not need geni that come from other parts of the worldand less from Professor Strada ”.

The need for a high-level personality arose after the former commissioner in the region, General Saverio Cotticelli, he was hastily fired after having “discovered” in Tai3 that it was he who had to realize the Covid plan for Calabria. Shortly after he was nominated Giuseppe Zuccatelli, a man close to Bersani and a former candidate for Liberi e equuali in 2018. But a few hours later, he ended up at the center of controversy for a series of phrases that disparaged the use of More expensive and that the new commissioner did not speak until last May. The video then pushed the M5 MPs elected in Calabria to sign an appeal to disavow his appointment. Instead it was Sardine be the first to propose the name of Gino Strada. The idea was relaunched by the president of the Antimafia commission Nicola Morra and he also liked Palazzo Chigi, so much that the first story yesterday he phoned the founder of Emergency to ask about his possible availability. “It can be a good name to strengthen the team ”, Conte himself explained in an interview with The impression.

The undersecretary of health confirms that Zuccatelli’s chair is unstable Sandra Zampa. “The discussion in Zuccatelli is on, because he said things completely out of place and unpleasant also because of how they have been formulated, ”said a Half past eight in La7. “I think he does it very well so that his is available resignation, which could only be avoided if I could repair trust with the citizens of Calabria, since their authority now he is seriously injured by have to leave“.

Now it remains to be understood how his statements and those of President Spirlì, who accuses Cotticelli and Zuccatelli of having made “the television carouselMeanwhile, from Question Time in the Chamber of the Minister for Relations with Parliament Federico D’Incà The first details emerge on the matter involving former Commissioner Cotticelli. The plan of reorganization of the hospital network for emergency COVID-19 of the Region, revealed the minister, in reality “was adopted by commissioner structure”Led by Cotticelli with a specific dated arrangement June 18, 2020. There is no doubt, therefore, that Calabria had equipped itself with a anti-covid piano, then “approved by the Ministry of Health on July 3, 2020 and transmitted to Extraordinary Emergency Commissioner next July 6 “. What do you foresee?” An increase of 134 rooms“Meet the standard set by the government in May (0.14 beds per 1,000 inhabitants). The problem is that little or nothing has been done to reach that threshold. Cotticelli discovered just a few days ago, compared to cameras from Title V (RaiTre), that the operational implementation of the plan depended on him. The question of who was the executing agency was raised by the general himself in the ministry before the summer: the answer came on October 27, but Cotticelli only realized it during the interview with the RAI journalist.

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