Zuccatelli resigns, the video of the controversy: “To catch the virus you have to kiss 15 minutes with your tongue”

Rector, can you explain why you don’t want to take over such an important and disastrous sector of the Calabria region?
“Personal and family reasons prevent me.”
You have to explain better, otherwise you don’t understand and the inferences begin.
“My wife has no intention of moving to Catanzaro. A job like this must be faced with the utmost commitment and I have no intention of opening up a family crisis.”
Does the anxiety have to do with a position so different from that of doctor and rector?
“It would be a major challenge, but family is a primary value for me.”
Were you hurt by the news that recalled your involvement, in the summer of 2019, in the research on the University of Catania?
“The barbarism of politics always catches my attention. But I give you news about it: the Catania prosecutor has just informed my lawyer that he has gone to present the request for dismissal for my alleged alteration in the competitions. I came in clean. I would like to remember this … “.
“I sent my children to study in England, to the Universities of Cambridge and Coventry, to prevent them from enrolling in the Sapienza University of Rome, that anyone could make inferences about them and about me. I have always lived like this and I am drawn to a judicial investigation for some phone calls in which I say that I do not interfere, yes, it hurts ”.
You are a doctor who, in the five years of your tenure, has improved the accounts and increased the enrollment of the largest university in Europe. Could it have guided a historically ill reality that is Calabrian healthcare?
“I would have liked to try. It is a strong commitment, but I have always made myself available to the public service. I have encountered resistance at home, and I give in. I told Minister Speranza in time.”
health emergency
Gino Strada: “Calabria, I am available but I ask for guarantees. The government decides”
by Alessia Candito

Gino Strada, initially a candidate for a tandem with her, wrote a tough letter: “The tandem with Gaudio simply does not exist.” Did your decision to give up come from that letter?
“No, these are not the problems, I spent my entire term in Sapienza to find participation, to mediate. The choice is mine, I cannot be the Health Commissioner in Calabria.”
The interview
Calabria, Zuccatelli: “I will resign if the government asks me to. Gino Strada? I could make a big contribution”
by Alessia Candito

He is an outgoing rector, what will he do now?
“I am not retiring. I continue teaching, a wonderful profession. Two courses in Medicine. I am a consultant to Minister Gaetano Manfredi for research and the university, I continue to direct the observatory of the specialization schools of Medicine. My life remains intense, here” .