Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta, here are the red regions: the announcement of Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte


Alessandra Benedetti – Corbis via Getty Images

Calabria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta are the high risk regions and therefore classified as “red”. This was announced by Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, explaining that “recently the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, adopted the ordinance that identifies three areas – yellow, orange, red – each with its own restrictive measures.”

Abruzzo, Basilicata, Campania, Emilia-Romagna, Friuli Venezia Giulia, Lazio, Liguria, Marche, Molise, province of Trento and Bolzano, Sardinia, Tuscany, Umbria and Veneto. “In the orange zone, with medium-high criticality, are Puglia and Sicilia.” “Self-certification is linked to prohibitions. In the red zones when leaving the house you have to self-certify, as well as between Regions and Municipalities ”, Conte explained.

(Read below what can and cannot be done depending on the color of the areas)

Inexpensive soft drinks chapter. Next week there will be a new decree, a Ristori bis decree, for the disbursement of compensation to the operators affected by these new measures ”. there are certainly adequate appropriations for the decree. They could be in an amount of 1.5-2 billion ”. “If there is a need for additional resources, we must also be willing to present ourselves in parliament for a possible new detour, but we have not decided yet because, according to what they told me, the credits are there,” he adds.

Infection trend. “The virus circulates in Europe, forcefully and violently,” Conte explained at the opening of the press conference. “The Rt index has risen to 1.7, this is a national average in some regions is higher. It is true, the number of asymptomatic patients is increasing, the number of “patients” in intensive care decreases, but it is true that the global numbers are constantly increasing and carry a high probability that many regions will exceed the critical thresholds of intensive care already in the next weeks “and get into trouble. We must necessarily intervene to stop the course of the virus.”

“Compared with infected people, the number of asymptomatic patients increases, the number of hospitalized people decreases in percentage, but there is a high probability that many regions will exceed the thresholds for intensive care and medical,” he added. “We must necessarily intervene.” “If we introduce single measures throughout Italy we would have a double negative effect, not taking really effective measures where there is greater risk and we will impose unreasonably restrictive measures where the situation is less serious.

Relationship with the Regions. “We chose the political evaluations with this Dpcm, adopting this tripartite scheme. Once this restrictive regime is adopted and shared, the consequences are automatic, based on scientific data and criteria. There are no negotiations. It is not possible to negotiate with the skin of citizens. Minister Speranza will not, I suppose the Presidents of the Regions will not. The controversy is upstream, the Regions participate in the process ”, said Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte during a press conference at Palazzo Chigi.

