Calabria has its “Covid hospitals”. The acting president of the regional council, Nino Spirlì, signed ordinance n. 85 that provides for the conversion of medical area beds into Covid-19 beds.
The provision provides for a 234 Covid beds increase plus another 10 from intensive care.
The ordinance also arises after the recognition “of the inertia of the commissioner ad acta for the execution of the recovery plan of the sanitary deficit in the execution of the measures and interventions of its exclusive competence”.
Specifically, the provision, highly desired by President Spirlì, foresees: that in the northern part of the region, for the Rogliano, Rossano Corigliano-Rossano and Paola-Cetraro structures, a conversion of 74 ordinary hospital beds and the ‘ activation of 10 intensive care beds, dedicated to Covid-19; that in the southern zone, for the Gioia Tauro facility, the conversion of beds is carried out through the provision of 40 Covid-19 beds; that in the central area, for the Soveria Mannelli facility, a conversion of 20 Covid beds is being carried out; the remodeling and adaptation of the “Villa Bianca” structure – former headquarters of the University Hospital of Catanzaro – for the construction of 100 Covid beds.
Spirlì also establishes that the health authorities and hospitals to which these structures refer begin, within 5 days following the publication of the provision, “the procedures for the proper disposal of the hospital complexes to be converted into Covid- 19 “and que Ser” timely information must be given to the Regional Crisis Unit. “
In the event of non-compliance with the established terms, “regional substitute measures will be adopted, under the coordination of Civil Protection.”
“Calabria – explains Spirlì – could not wait any longer: the slowness and insufficiency of the government commissioners, and the lack of control by the higher bodies, could not dictate the moment and pace of the fight against Covid 19 in Calabria “.
“I made this decision – says the acting president – because I believe that it is the only one that can be made at times like this. We cannot afford the time for meetings, discussions and proposals: people need certainties. Concerns and anxieties increase when representatives of the people express uncertainty and doubts. I believe that 234 places in ordinary hospitalization and 10 places in intensive care, in addition to those that in recent days – thanks to the previous ordinance – have activated the ASPs and hospitals, may already be a reassuring figure. This is the first step on a new path. We do not give up, we will stand alongside Calabrians regardless of political and partisan affiliations and regardless of media attacks.
“We work and do not waste time on social gossip or strange and provocative press writings. I hope – concludes Spirlì – that the trust in those who represent them can grow among Calabrians, because we do not back down from anyone. Now, however, we do The most important thing is that, with our controlled and measured behavior, and always using all the safety devices indicated by the health authorities (masks, distance, constant cleaning of hands), Calabrians remain united because only together will we achieve it ”.
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