Calabria “green zone”, is the region least affected and with more beds: the analysis of OsservaSalute


November 9, 2020 8:54 PM

Coronavirus, the control panel of the National Health Observatory in the Italian Regions is now available (OsservaSalute)

Calabria “green zone”. It is the region of Italy least affected by the pandemic and with the highest number of beds available based on the current population of hospitalized patients and residents. The first data of the “control PanelPublished today to graphically describe the evolution of the pandemic in real time by the National Observatory of Health in the Italian Regions (OsservaSalute), available to contribute to reflections on the dynamics of the Covid-19 pandemic through a specific section in the site.

The contribution that the Observatory intends to make to citizens and the media is based on graphically represented indicators, focusing on the intensity of the spread of the pandemic caused by the new Coronavirus, on the severity of the infections and the impact they have on the National Health Service (SSN). The dashboard built, with the coordination of Dr. Alessandro Solipaca, Scientific Director of the Observatory, provides an economic framework and trends on the dynamics of the pandemic. The indicators presented are updated daily.

Economic situation – The intensity and severity of the pandemic is documented through the number of new daily infections and deaths from Covid-19 recorded in Italian regions.

Economic situation – The impact on the NHS is represented by the number of infected people with symptoms admitted to hospitals and intensive care facilities. In addition, the impact on intensive care services is represented by the percentage of the mean in the last 7 days of hospitalized patients with Covid-19 over the total available beds.
Summary trend framework to provide a measure of the general pressure exerted by the pandemic on the population and on the SNS, a composite indicator1 was calculated that summarizes the dimensions considered (incidence, lethality and hospital admissions) in the last 7 days. For this, each indicator, used for the construction of the compound, has been normalized by relating it to the resident population to allow comparison of the different Regions in which the intensity of the phenomena considered depends on the amount of population in which they develop.

The classification by decreasing values ​​of the composite indicator provides a comparison between Regions with respect to the pressure level in the last 7 days. The colors identify the Regions that are located, respectively, in the first (red), second (yellow) and third group (green) according to the level of the indicator, regardless of the level of risk. It follows that the membership of each Region to the individual groups (red, yellow and green) depends exclusively on the position in the ranking, so it is not related to the areas identified by the DPCM of November 3, 2020, which refers to the Minister of Health. Roberto Speranza any type of choice on the indication of the measures to be taken in relation to the data provided by the Technical-Scientific Committee based on 21 criteria. But looking at today’s data, the analysis of the National Health Observatory in Italian Regions seems much more credible and probable than the epidemiological situation in Italy compared to that contained in the Ordinances of Hope.

From the analysis of this new tool, in fact, to date, the Aosta Valley is at the top of the 7 regions whose health systems are most under pressure from the pandemic, followed by Liguria, Piedmont, Autonomous Province of Bolzano, Lombardy, Umbria me Tuscany. Another 7 are the regions in an intermediate area: Emilia romagna, Autonomous Province of Trento, Lazio, Campania, Veneto, Abruzzo, Friuli Venezia Giulia. The rest are ‘green’ and the ranking is closed Calabria that even in the last week, it has the lowest values ​​of infections, deaths, intensive care and hospitalizations. There Calabria It has always been the region least affected by the pandemic in Italy, and the one that has suffered the least pressure on the hospital system. To date, with 16 hospitalized out of 160 beds available in intensive care, the Calabria With 10% of hospital capacity in intensive care, it has the highest availability of beds in Italy. In fact, the declaration of a “red zone” by the government has sparked a fierce controversy: in the main cities of Calabria today is the fifth consecutive day of protests.
