“Not even my family recognized me. I am still upset. I am evaluating with my doctor, I am reconstructing what happened on the day of the interview. It is very strange. The schedules, the modality, nothing comes back,” he explains. to the online newspaper Tpi.it.
Cotticelli goes back to the story that forced him to resign. “Do I suspect that I was drugged? That I do not know – he adds. – I repeat, I am investigating: I know that after that interview I threw up all night. I was terribly ill. Calabria has a middle ground. the poor, the power for the other, are in the middle. Freemasonry. With its references to Rome ”.
For the general, his replacement “was already decided. Six months ago. Minister Speranza had already decided to appoint Zuccatelli. Now it’s clear, face up. They had to remove me. It’s simple. My interview was just a pretext.” . The reasons for the replacement would be political: Zuccatelli “is from LeU, the same party as Speranza, he is a friend of Bersani.”
The Covid plan for Calabria As for having said that he did not know anything about the Covid plan for Calabria, Cotticelli justifies himself: “How can one not remember not having worked on the Covid plan? That plan really exists, and I have prepared it. In Calabria everything is decided from this world intermediate: and I did not give respite to this freemasonry. There were bills to individuals, in Calabrian health care, which were paid three times. There were jobs, dark contracts, real negotiated power over everything … accusation – I may have so many defects, but I took the fertilizer of these gentlemen from the pot. I canceled 500 million euros in contracts. I revoked their undue credit lines. If they could have put me under a car, they would have done it already. ”
“The Boulder Mob” Cotticelli explains that in Calabria there is a force that “has enormous power: the masso-mafia. I worked for two years without any support: without a secretariat, without a typist. Alone. Now they give Zuccatelli a structure with 27 people that costs three million of euros “.