In light of the new Decree of the Prime Minister of the Prime Minister, the Acting President of the Calabria Region, Nino Spirlì, in order to contain the spread of the Covid-19 virus, yesterday issued a new ordinance (n. 80) to modify and replace the measures already established in n. 79, issued on October 23, 2020.
Distance education and school
Conte’s Dpcm foresees distance learning (dad) for secondary schools above 75%. The order signed by the acting president Spirlì «reconfirms the total suspension of face-to-face classes until November 13. For the next ten days we will align ourselves with Dad at 75%».
“Then, from November 14 to 24, 2020, After analyzing epidemiological data, the possibility of enabling integrated digital education will be evaluated. to the extent of not less than 75% of assets».
Suspension of face-to-face classes also in universities
Furthermore, the ordinance «establishes – also following the dialogue with the regional university coordination committee of Calabria (Coruc), according to art. 1 paragraph 9, lett. U) of the Dpcm October 24, 2020 – from October 26 to November 24, 2020 the suspension of classroom teaching activities in universities, which ensure that these activities are carried out remotely. “
“Current methods of providing” mixed “or” mixed “teaching activities for students enrolled in the first year of study courses and for doctoral students and specialization in the field of health, examinations examinations, as well as activities to be carried out necessarily on site in terms of laboratory exercises and internships ”.
More expensive
Among the other measures contained in the new provision, “the obligation throughout the regional territory of Always wear respiratory protection devices to use even indoors other than private homes and in all outdoor places, with the exception of cases in which, due to the characteristics of the places or the factual circumstances, the condition of isolation of people who do not live together is guaranteed permanently and, in any case, without prejudice to anti-contagion protocols and guidelines. planned. for economic, productive, administrative and social activities, as well as guidelines for the consumption of food and beverages ”.
«Those who are doing sports are exempt; children under the age of six; subjects with pathologies or disabilities incompatible with the use of the mask, as well as those who, to interact with the above, find themselves in the same incompatibility; clients of public establishments when they consume food and beverages; school students when they get to their desks respecting the planned distance “.
The rules in cemeteries
It is established that “the mayors of the municipalities have, from October 28 to November 4, 2020, measures for visitor access to cemeteries, that take into account the following: a) access allowed after measuring body temperature; b) use of respiratory protection; c) compliance with all other preventive measures; d) access regulation to avoid crowded areas both inside and outside; e) placement of informational posters for visitors ”.
«It is recommended to all natural persons do not move, by means of public or private transport, except for reasons of work, study, health, situations of need or to carry out activities or use services not suspended. The measure is valid for the entire regional territory. ”
The ordinance “confirms the provision, which will be borne by hospitals, to ensure that they increase the provision of beds dedicated to the care of patients suffering from Covid-19 to 20% of the provisions of DCA No. 91/2020, no later than November 3, 2020 “.
Caregivers of patients
It is reiterated that “accompanying patients are prohibited from staying in the waiting rooms of the emergency services, admissions and first aid, unless the responsible health personnel specify otherwise and that the access of relatives and visitors to public hospitals and Accredited private and long-term residences, nursing homes, hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly, self-sufficient or not, is limited only to the cases indicated by the health management of the facility, which is obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent the possible transmission of the infection. ”
“The absolute prohibition of assembly, compliance with the measures of physical interpersonal distancing and preventive hygiene measures is confirmed and the use of respiratory protection devices is strongly recommended, even within private homes in the presence of living together”.
Stop going from 24 to 5
“Movement of natural persons is not allowed, from midnight to 5 the next day. Only trips motivated by work needs, situations of need, emergency situations or health reasons are allowed ”. To justify the movements it will be necessary to present a self-declaration.
The ordinance is in effect until November 24, 2020 according to the Dpcm.