
Francesco Storace
The wise old man would say that he lacks dignity. In the above, first of all, in the century Giuseppe Zuccatelli, unbridled screwdriver under the health of Calabria and tenacious enemy of the mask. And while there is, it is also positive for Covid.
In the proposing minister, Roberto Speranza, who is waiting for the gusts of wind, to understand if he will also be forced to dismiss the successor of General Cotticelli, perhaps enduring the wrath of comrade Pierluigi Bersani, or go straight like a train, as he threatened screaming by phone. with fellow head cutter Nicola Fratoianni.
He lost his dignity, needless to say, even in Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who in his astonishing communications staff doesn’t even have one capable of looking up the name of the newly appointed one minute before signing. The rush to chase Cotticelli gave birth to the classic blind child.
And all this to defend a party colleague that everyone in Cesena speaks highly of (at least 3.7% of the population, given the votes he got when running for politics with Leu) while in Calabria he did not. exactly the same thing happens. Says Wanda Ferro, belligerent member of the Brothers of Italy: “There was a setback in the same majority, with the desertion of a commissioner sponsored by five stars and the promotion of an organic politician to the left wing of the government. This is what they meant by Calabria’s red zone. Zuccatelli was in fact an administrator of the Democratic Party, close to Bersani and a candidate for the House with Leu. By not being able to enter Parliament, Zuccatelli was rewarded by Minister Speranza with a series of positions in Calabria, including commissioner of the hospital and the university polyclinic of Catanzaro ”.
The Five Stars – now silence is more fashionable than honesty – as silent as a silly fish. Not a syllable in front of the shameful video of the “mask that doesn’t need a c ….”.
Apart from the health commissioner, apart from the fight against Covid. This extraordinary partner of Emilia will also have a great résumé, but at 76, perhaps the hour of well-deserved retirement has been around for a while, unless you want to believe that Zuccatelli’s experience on the pandemic front dates back to the time of Spanish flu …
But a Minister of Health cannot afford to make fun of the Italians – and the Calabrians in the lead – defending one who at the end of May and not at the beginning of the pandemic, served another lie to get out of trouble and hindrance, did not find anything better. to equate the infection with a kiss with the tongue on the mouth for at least a quarter of an hour. But how dare this man? What he also says more in his vernacular dialogues about sex in the pandemic. Is this the sanity of hope or should we really lose hope?
If Speranza doesn’t chase him away, it means that the party reasons are superior to the competition and above all to mental balance. Zuccatelli started with a thousand, but put the reverse gear and caused a real massacre.
No, the minister cannot get away with the muttered apology from the new commissioner. Because from Calabria, citizens have been locked in their homes because of the virus that Zuccatelli mocks. It is an intolerable shame to leave him in that chair.
At the end of the day, a little more diplomatic in public, but very heated in private, is what Speranza’s number one ally, Nicola Fratoianni, asks: “I understand everything, the urgency, the emergency, the rush and all I am staying to find a new health commissioner for Calabria. But this cannot be done. We intervene immediately. He writes it on Facebook and unleashes the social lynching of “his” minister.
The hunt for Zuccatelli is unleashed on the Internet, for his prestigious and vaunted resume, ruthlessly collapsed even if it was Carnival: “1) Covid’s expert lemonade; 2) supporter without masks; 3) currently positive for Covid; 4) denied the Covid center in Catanzaro; 4) Party PD and then LEU; 5) Candidate for policies with LEU in Cesena; 6) friend (and partner) of Zingaretti Bersani and Speranza ”. Sooner or later there always comes a time when the curtain has to fall. With dignity, indeed.