From the Catania stage, where the Northern League kermesse began yesterday in support of Matteo Salvini, who on Saturday awaits the result of the preliminary hearing in the Gregoretti case, Spirlì, who defines himself as a “homosexual in his free time and a practicing Catholic, “he has longed for a” lobby of lobbies, of which the fag who must represent me is the most dangerous, “he has continued to carry out his old crusade against political correctness by claiming the use of the words” fag “,” ricchione “and” negro “, to then wave a rosary and surrender to the” heart of Jesus who always helps us “. Claims that the Catania League audience sparked applause and on stage the approval of the former candidate for governor of Emilia Romagna, Lucía Borgonzoni, who snorted “You’re joking about a gay man and he’s not okay. You’re kidding about a woman and not well”. . Here too, thunderous applause. But beyond the Strait, in Calabria, Spirlì’s statements made the councilors, associations and regional and municipal committees jump to their seats.

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“Unbeatable, simple and unreserved: there are no words to define the statements made by the vice president of the Calabria Region in Lega, Nino Spirlì, in Catania, and there is nothing to interpret”, says the leader of the Pd group in the Region , Domenico Bevacqua. “If a representative of the institutions supports the language of hate, it means that there is much to ponder in the selection of the ruling class and it should also lead President Santelli and her majority to reflect. Racism is not a political opinion: it is unacceptable “. and it clashes with all the founding principles of our Constitution and of our civil life. “
Harder still the Democratic Party of Cosenza, which condemns “verbal excesses that are shameful for anyone, but which provoke strong anger and resentment if they are done in clothes and in the highest prominence, oh, covered by Mr. Spirlì” and with a A note goes to Governor Jole Santelli to request “the immediate dismissal of his position to bring tone and quality to the activity launched at the appropriate levels for the position.”
Also on the warpath is the Calabrian Anpi, who with his coordinator Mario Vallone affirms: “Our region already has too many problems. We cannot confront a councilor who acts outside the civil context with his continuous apology for racism.” and fascism. We expect less shyness on this occasion from everyone: from politics, from the union world, from associations, from the church. Dismissal or resignation is what we hope for ”. A slap on the wrist also for those who for months have left the Anpi alone or almost alone in denouncing the too frequent statements far above Spirlì’s lines. “Already in March of this year, on the days of his appointment, we denounced the statements of this person about fascism, racism, attack on the Constitution,” says Vallone.
The comment from the Soumaila Sacko desk, which provides union, legal and social support to the migrants from the plain, was also very harsh, already in the past he had entered a collision course with the vice president of the regional council, who in the months of the confinement it had branded infectious migrant workers as potential, invoking military intervention to shut down tent cities. “It is indecent for a representative of the institutions to indulge in statements of this type, which reflect a thought as unacceptable as in line with the policies of hatred, homophobia and racism that his party has persecuted since its birth,” commented the contra activists. joining the chorus of those who call for the removal of Vice President Spirlì, “who cannot have institutional functions in a region with territories like Piana pierced by the wounds of racism and exploitation.”
But Governor Jole Santelli is silent, hiding behind utter silence. Giunta di Spirlì’s colleagues and the representatives of the majority parties are silent. The controversy, however, continues.