Cagliari, turning point in waste: “New eco-center in 2021 and free plastic bags”


The mini condo bathtubs in Cagliari? They are not ready to disappear, alone, from the San Benedetto district, in exchange for many large containers of condos. The project conceived by the Municipality’s Soil Hygiene Offices had already been anticipated in Casteddu Online on July 23 by Councilor Alessandro Guarracino: “Goodbye slalom and stench”. Now, the idea is to also eliminate the plastic containers, “giving the bags to all the citizens of Cagliari who are up to date with the payment of the Tari. Not only that: “In a month we will commission the works for the construction of the new recycling center in via San Paolo, it will be usable from 2021. In February, however, we will inaugurate the reuse center in viale Monastir: the inhabitants of Cagliari they will be able to bring objects, such as toys and bicycles, but not only, they remain usable, thus promoting reuse. We focus a lot on the ecological aspect “, Guarracino explains,” it will be possible to reduce waste. “The grip on the astute waste, which may soon be fined in real time, thanks to the working group between the Municipal and a company outside the municipal administration that will observe live footage from the dozens of cameras distributed throughout the city.

“In addition, from October we will start with specific prices: as it was already decided in early 2020, the inhabitants of Cagliari will only pay for the dry product they produce. With around one hundred thousand less tubs, the streets of Cagliari will be cleaner ”. And the president of the reference commission, Raffaele Onnis (Reformers) recalls that “a year ago we inherited an unprecedented situation. A difficult challenge, we are facing it and we are overcoming the emergency phase, even in the periphery, recovering the roads. We are planning further claims for via San Paolo, which has already been claimed under the flyover. In other areas of the city, also thanks to the commitment of citizens, the situation is improving. We will increase the washing of streets and sidewalks with water and detergents ”.
