At 11 in the morning, seventy-eight swabs have already been made in the new “drive through” created by the Ministry of Defense at the Cagliari Fair. Molecular testing, a few minutes and then hopefully a few days to get the answer: positive or negative on Covid. The Army working group begins today, and for the next two months it will be like this every day from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., except Sundays: a medical officer, two nursing NCOs, military personnel from the military department of Forensic Medicine in Cagliari and from the Sassari Brigade. , together with Ares-Ats Sardegna staff, will ensure a significant increase in the availability of molecular tests for the diagnosis of Sars-Cov-2 infection using a swab. Every “stored” person is already present on the official ATS lists.
“The percentage of tampons manufactured will grow and will be around 300 a day, figures that must be calibrated in what will be the requests of the health authorities of the territory”, explains the Undersecretary of Defense of Sardinia, Giulio Calvisi, “we will follow the instructions of the Assl. Those who are reported by the ATS will be swabbed, mainly those who are waiting and are quarantining at home. This initiative has a health value, we help civil health to process more tampons ”. And Calvisi announces that “there is a synergy with the Ats, currently the swabs are being processed in the civil health laboratories, in the next few days the swab machine of the old military hospital will come into operation, it will make an important contribution to process them. Since August, the former military hospital also operates the military health service together with associations and private citizens, with Ad Adiuvandum ”.