
“But Floris, but how does he do it?” Massimo cacciari, In connection with DiMartedì in La7, he is literally baffled. The host has just asked what reforms the government will be able to carry out Mario draghi, which still has a term of 2 years ahead (assuming everything goes well). The philosopher has never professed great optimism: “What Draghi has to do is very clear, face the problem of the efficient organization of vaccination, Prepare a Recovery plan concrete, which is not a dream book, spend well the money that is going to arrive, I refreshments to alleviate the dramatic situation in which a third of the country ended up … ”.

What does not convince the former mayor of Venice is the type of majority that supports him, so broad and so heterogeneous. “And yet he spoke of tax reform, pension reform …”, jokes Floris. And here Cacciari literally jumps in his chair.
“But Floris ?! But Floris ?! pension reformTo do so in this country it is necessary to overthrow the entire institutional order, the regions, which are the governing power of Italian healthcare. It is necessary to change all the relationships between central powers, regions and local autonomies … Tax Reform? A Parliament takes a whole mandate to make one worthy. “Perhaps, it is the concession that Cacciari makes to Draghi,” it will be a little more efficient in the fight against tax evasion, perhaps “.
