but does Boldrini exist? – Time


The draft of the Recovery plan with its 125 pages of slogans and a breakdown of (potential) resources by at least controversial chapters. Some examples? There is talk of 48.7 billion euros for the digitization of the country, 74.3 billion for the ecological transition, almost thirty billion for works and infrastructures, less than twenty billion for schools and 17.1 for the promotion of gender equality. This latest chapter, almost ten billion more than Europe is believed to be asking for health care (9 billion), it makes you fuss Marco Rizzo, general secretary of the Communist Party.

“Now everyone is happy to know that double the money can be spent on ‘gender equality’ (!?) Compared to healthcare. Better to die from medical negligence but to know that Boldrini is in place of Mattarella! “, It is the torpedo of the Communist Representative in the government of Giuseppe Conte.
