After the meme of Matteo salvini, which has been very successful for the immediacy with which it returns the message about the closures imposed by the last Dpcm signed by Giuseppe Conte, arrives Giorgia Meloni to further embarrass the prime minister and his majority. The leader of Fratelli d’Italia has published an image containing the statements of Matteo renzi (“Incorrect to close theaters and restaurants”) and those of Nicola Zingaretti (“The enemy is the virus, not the rules to combat it, now the government quickly and concretely supports the people and categories affected by the measure”), accompanied by a single sentence: “But do you know that I am in the government?“This is precisely what makes the whole situation surreal to say the least:” The government – Meloni points out – asks the government to intervene on the measures taken by the government. It would seem like a joke, if it weren’t for the thousands of activities also massacred by these gentlemen. Once again the IDF leader has hit the target, because the increasingly marked tensions and divisions within the Giallorossi executive are beginning to emerge abroad as well, confirming the fact that these political forces are together alone. for convenience in disguise. of “truce of health”.