“Giuseppe Conte said ‘let’s close now to be free at Christmas’. But free from what? “. Matteo salvini has decided to share and relaunch one of the latest interventions on social networks Nicola Porro, who misled the prime minister and his government team by reminding them of what they said just a month ago. “But didn’t you close the shops, make the red zones and curfew free at Christmas?” Fourth Republic in his daily ‘soup’: “Conte asked us to make some sacrifices,” he added, “with a view to the holidays. But if I say that we are in a health dictatorship and that this is a confinement, then they say that I am shit and crazy ”. Porro also talked about “Italian armoredAnd he stressed that those who try to dispute the Dpcm are defined “liberal living room“The fact is that” we cannot go to a restaurant, to school or on vacation, we cannot have dinner. “So why does no one say that we were the Italian model for managing Covid and that now we are the country with more deaths in the world in the second wave? August clubs have nothing to do with that – explained Porro – we continue to have deaths in December because the government has not organized schools or transport. They are only sheep. ”