But did Salvini understand that Biden won?


The maneuver (wrong in my opinion) of the Lega leader to facilitate the passage to the Lega group of three deputies (Carrara, Ravetto and Zanella) from Forza Italia highlights several critical aspects of the entire right-wing coalition, but on everything brings to the streets a disability (this, however, all the former Minister of the Interior) very worrying for a politician today at the head of an important party and perhaps (tomorrow) at the head of the government.

By accepting entry into the League of the three (ex) Azzurri parliamentarians (two of whom were elected in Lombardy, a detail not only given the scarcity of available places in the next legislature) Salvini shows that he has a hard time reading the political facts around him, especially those that happen abroad.

Specifically, a greater attention to American events would have led him to very different decisions, even in the agitated situation (between the pro Mediaset rule and several winks between PD and FI) in which he too is forced to operate, by a reason as simple as it is disruptive in the world. on the effects: in Washington Biden wins and Trump loses.

So (rhetorical question), the thesis of this article is that Biden’s victory has something to do with the passage to the League of Carrara, Ravetto and Zanella? Of course yes. And I say more: precisely because Biden won that blockade it was a hasty election, a “visceral” reaction that does not suit a political leader in Series A, a retaliatory measure that nevertheless clearly denounces a strategic vacuum that is being sought. remedy by spasmodically resorting to tactics.

To understand it better, it is necessary to consider three essential elements (two of which are “external” to national policy), whose effects, however, are convergent and, ultimately, also perfectly synchronized.

The first is the defeat of Trump (hit more by the pandemic than by Biden in truth) which, nevertheless, takes us into a new world that tastes old: the connection between the political elites on both sides of the Atlantic regains strength, he says the White House. a left-wing Catholic (moderately leftist, very moderately) who, however, interrupts the sovereign surge by depriving it of the protection of the most important institutional figure, the president of the United States. The Bolsonaro and the Orban (and therefore also Salvini and Le Pen) are today more alone, less solid and also less daring, precisely because the strongest of all has lost, the one that seemed invincible, the one with the most aircraft carriers, multinationals, skyscraper. . Then a game of multilateral relations (which the US deep state has kept alive even in the last four years without paying much attention) opens again in which the “irregular” (including Salvini) will be put in difficulty.

The second element is all European in character, but is also (in part) linked to the result of the American vote. If with Trump in fact many could think (even only in theory) to maintain a direct line with the White House, with Biden the European Union will once again be the privileged interlocutor of the administration of the Stars and Stripes, because this is the tradition of ten years of the Democrats. . So it will be Angela Merkel who leads the dance (with Macron in second place), also given that the explosion of public debt (due to pandemic) in all EU countries certifies once and for all that budgetary policies Brussels and no longer in the different capitals (and will continue to be for at least a few decades). Now, in Europe the League is on the sidelines of the games that matter, an isolation that seems even more melancholic with the defeat of the MAGA (Make America Great Again) holder, while instead the (electorally) unstable Forza Italia is within the PPE. , that is to say, the most important political family on the continent.

Finally, there are the more Italian aspects, which, however, are far from secondary. If Salvini made the move of the defectors to show Berlusconi all his anger at the exchanges of affection between FI, PD and Conte, you can understand a little: when the Knight gets going (with the direction of Gianni Letta, always with little feeling with the Captain) it’s hard to keep up with him. But Salvini cannot blame one of his allies too much for making an “incuici” (also in the current and dramatic national situation), for the simple fact that he made us government with the M5S, in clear contradiction with the electoral campaign. made together with Meloni and Berlusconi.

Ultimately, the air has changed, first of all internationally. The Knight (who has never loved Trump and has done his best to make us understand him in recent years) seized the opportunity and also seized the opportunity to take revenge on Salvini. However, the reaction was wrong (in my opinion): three defectors is too many, one was enough.
