Bust, drunk on the first day of school: 14-year-old student in the hospital


thug bust come to jail

ARSIZIO BUST – First day of school definitely to forget for a 14 year old student from Arsizio Bust: the girl was drunk outside the institution Wild boar bust and she felt bad. As much as to trigger the call to 112 with the immediate arrival of an ambulance in via Redipuglia.

Transported to hospital

The incident occurred around 9.50 a.m. today, Monday, September 14, when after a stop of more than six months due to the closure, all the Italian students returned to the classroom not without difficulties. The diagnosis of the intervening health personnel was clear: the girl’s illness was due to alcohol intoxication. The student was escorted to the Busto hospital in code green. Fortunately, his condition is not serious. The episode should not lend itself to easy irony. Although it was nonsense due to the young age of the protagonist, the story could represent the indicator of a deeper malaise. They were also informed of the fact the carabinieri of the Busto company.

Il Verri di Busto on the podium of the cooking competition named “Matteo Restelli”

drunk schoolgirl bust – MALPENSA24
