Covid in schools: cases increase with sprouts me closed classes for Italy. On the other hand, it was easy to foresee it, considering also the progressive increase in Covid cases in Lazio and Campania, for example. Therefore, we provide an updated picture of the situation in schools in the various regions of Italy in the midst of the Covid epidemic.
To date they are 117 schools closed by Covid me 825 those in which you signed up at least a case of positivity since the beginning of the school year that officially began just over 15 days ago.
Two young Italian university students, Vittorio Nicoletta and Lorenzo Ruffino, have developed a Map Interactive cases of Covid in Italian schools with daily updates also on possible outbreaks in the classroom and in institutions in general. A form to report Covid cases was also created for them.
For the map, they collected data from schools from the news on the web and the ordinances of mayors in different areas of Italy.

Covid in schools region by region
Covid reaches schools and slowly to all regions. Let’s see today what is the situation region by region. On the afternoon of yesterday, September 30, Nicoletta and Ruffino reported on Twitter that for the moment they have identified themselves in Italy 852 schools with Covid cases, of which 77 shoots.
He closed the comprehensive Stella Institute in Muro Lucano for Covid, as a precautionary measure, for a school worker who tested positive on the swab.
Schools closed due to two suspected cases of Covid also in Calabria, in Rombiolo in the province of Vibo Valentia. Schools also closed in San Costantino Calabro, while in Lamezia Terme two classes of the Instituto Integral Florentino were quarantined for two Covid-positive brothers. A school in San Marco Argentano was closed by a positive serology teacher.
Cases of positivity in Campania and specifically in some schools of Naples, where in the Vittorio Emanuele II institute there was a case of positivity and yesterday it was closed for sanitation. Other positive aspects of Covid at the Umberto I institute, at the Galileo Ferraris technical institute and at the Regina Coeli nursery.

Friuli Venezia Giulia
At Gabelli Elementary School in Pordenone On September 29, a student tested positive for Covid and in these cases the necessary measures were taken with contact tracing and quarantine. Lessons for the other students in the plexus continue on a regular basis. On the other hand, a positive student at the Maniago Sports High School.
Covid cases also in schools in Lazio, where in general the cases are increasing and a closure plan for Rome is already being considered. A student at Severi di scientific high school Frosinone tested positive for Covid. The Licinio Refice greenhouse in Frosinone also closed due to a positive Covid case on September 25. TO Cassino Two teachers and two students from the Panaccioni school tested positive. The Sant’Angelo and San Giovanni Bosco primary schools will also be closed until October 9.
In the Lombardy region, positive Covid cases are 43 in the schools of Milan with 771 people in solitary confinement for the period from 20 to 26 September last. It would be 39 positive swabs for Covid referred to 35 students and 4 adults; 4 positive cases, on the other hand, refer to 4 young people from vocational schools with 42 people in isolation, 10 of whom are teachers.
Two isolated classes in Brescia in a secondary school and a secondary school.
In Colli del Tronto, in the Marche region, a daycare center for Covid was closed as a precaution for a child with symptoms of cough and fever. In contrast, two positive cases among students from a high school in Ascoli where an entire class is quarantined.
In Piedmont they have been isolated for two days 35 students and about fifteen teachers for a positive case in a school in Mondovì. These are the third two classes of language high school.
Two schools, including San Giovanni Rotondo, closed in Puglia until October 3 for 5 primary and secondary students who tested positive for Covid.
In Tuscany, a class from the Ferdinando Martini Hotel Institute of Montecatini was quarantined for a positive case in Covid. The same thing happened a few days earlier at an elementary school in the area.
A positive student in the province of Nuoro, while for a couple of Covid-positive parents in Villacidro, a comprehensive institution was closed. The couple’s son doesn’t appear to be sure, but the mayor has ordered the closure as a precautionary measure.
A class in Giarre, in Sicily, is in quarantine due to a positive case: there are 25 students from Itis Fermi. Organized sanitation and continuation of lessons with the distance education.