The text of the 2020 budget law has already been published in the Official Gazette. From a high school diploma to competition for support, this is what changes for the school.
After the yes in the House, the budget law also gets the go-ahead in the Senate. The maneuver, in which the government has placed its trust, was approved with 156 vote in favor, 124 against and without abstentions.
As for the school, the maneuver foresees several measures that we recall below.
In the layout there are numerous provisions for the school with more than 3,700 million allocated to this sector, of which 2.2 of current spending and more 1.5 for investments.
Remember for him school and provides:
- 25,000 additional staff positions per right of support
- 10 million euros for teacher training
- 1,000 technical assistants in the first cycle from 2021/2022 and continuation of fixed-term contracts until December 31, 2020 until June 30
- 1,000 improvement places for kindergarten
- 60 million investments in the range 0-6
- 50 million by 2021 and 50 million by 2022 for the dual system
- 8 million for the enhancement of the digital area, digital animators, training teams, also for teacher training.
- 117 million by 2021 and 106 million by 2022 for an increase in childcare places
- 20 million for the inclusion of students with disabilities in the actions
- increase in autonomy funds of 100 million in 2021
- 12 million euros to increase technology and the SIDI system
- 1,500 million for school buildings with extension of powers of common commissioner
- 200 million to the regions and 150 million to the municipalities for school transport
The modifications approved by the Budget Committee and present in the final text are the following
Confidential contest support
The Ministry of Education is empowered to implement selective procedures, on a regional basis, for access to the position in a support position for teachers in possession of the corresponding specialization qualification, which is extracted exclusively in the case of the corresponding rankings useful for exhaustion. current legislation, and only as a result of the procedures for moving the competition rankings from other regions or provinces.
State exam 2021
The Ministry of Education may adopt, by ordinance, the model of the last school year for both lower secondary and upper secondary. They are expected 30 million euros to be assigned to state and private schools to ensure adequate performance in accordance with required health safety standards AND then The possibility is foreseen for the Minister of Education. Adopt ordinances with specific measures for the evaluation of learning and the performance of the corresponding State Exams.
Three million euros for jazz courses in musical institutes
The amendment signed by the Hon. Donno was approved, which provides for a fund of 3 million for 2021, for the expansion of the educational offer of musical secondary schools with the establishment of jazz courses and new musical languages.
Innovative schools in the small towns of southern Italy
“To counteract the phenomenon of depopulation of small municipalities in southern Italy, INAIL allocates, as part of the triennial real estate investment plan 2021-2023, the additional sum of 40 million euros, which will be allocated to resources for this purpose authorized by the Ministry of Economy and Finance, for the construction of innovative schools (article 1, co. 153, L. 107/2015) in municipalities with a population of less than 5,000 inhabitants in the regions of Abruzzo, Campania, Molise, Basilicata, Puglia, Calabria, Sicily and Sardinia“.
Additional funds for the PCTO
There will be additional funding for the Pcto: additional funding for alternating schoolwork and apprenticeship courses is raised to 55 million by 2021, indeed. The general budget for the 2021 will therefore be 130 million, which go down to 125 million in 2022.
Hiring dsga from competition
With the Villani reform, the 50% threshold that prevented a part of the DSGA staff (Directors of general and administrative services) from having access to the position despite having passed the public competition, is demolished.
Increase in the Autonomy Fund:
With a specific ordinance, the Ministry of Education may decide to adopt new interventions in the field of high school exams, eighth grade exams, and learning assessment.
Contribution to private schools that host students with disabilities
The amendment provides for an increase in 50 million of the euro the contribution for equal schools that host students with disabilities.
School size
The parameters for the dimensioning of educational institutions are reviewed, reducing from 600 to 500 students (that is, from 400 to 300 students for institutions located on small islands, in mountain municipalities, in geographic areas characterized by linguistic specificities) the minimum number of students necessary for the attribution to school institutions of a director and director of Headlines general and administrative services.