In the afternoon came the approval in the Council of Ministers of the budget law 2021. The maneuver of the 38 billion will be law on December 31. Some news for the school.
“Also in order to reduce inequalities and favor the optimal use of the right to education, even for those deprived of means, the fund referred to in article 1 of the December 18, 1997 law. 440, increased by 117.8 million euros in 2021, by 106.9 million euros in 2023, by 7.3 million euros for each of the years 2024 and 2025 and by 3.4 million for the year 2026.
Fund resources are used to enrich and expand the training offer and equalization interventions also in order to reduce inequalities and favor the optimal use of the right to education, even for the most disadvantaged “, we read in the text of the maneuver .
And again: “In order to promote didactic and digital innovation actions in schools through the actions of involving digital animators in each school, the fund referred to in article 1, paragraph 62, second sentence, of the law 13 July 2015, n.107 has been increased by € 8,184,000.00 per year from 2021.
For the purposes mentioned in article 234 of the decree-law of May 19, 2020, n. 34, converted with amendments by law July 17, 2020, n. 77, the additional expenditure of 12 million euros is authorized for the year 2021.
A fund is also provided to increase school transportation.
Single child allowance
As of July 2021, the one-time allocation for children under 21 will be allocated to 3,000 million in 2021 and then to 5,500 million from 2022. “For families, as of July 1, 2021, the single and universal allowance for all children. By 2021, we will increase the fund by 3 billion and from 2022 by 5.5 billion. The birth check, the daycare voucher and the Mamma Domani voucher are also confirmed in 2021. As planned , there will be no break in continuity between these measures, currently in force, and the subsidy, ”explains Elena Bonetti, Minister of the Family.
“Health, with the increase in the endowment of the National Health Fund, the allocation for doctors and nurses, the fund for the purchase of vaccines, the improvement of diagnoses with rapid antigenic swabs, additional resources for university buildings, training contracts from specialists to specialist doctors and the hiring of health personnel continue to be a central priority, as well as schools, universities, research, culture ”, says the Minister of Economy, Roberto Gualtieri.