The carabinieri of the Cerignola company, with the support of the Foggia investigation unit, the Puglia hunting helicopter squad and the canine units of the Bari-Modugno canine carabinieri unit, have executed a precautionary custody order issued by the investigating judge of the Foggia court, at the request of the local Public Ministry, against three individuals from Cerignola, held liable, in competition with each other, for the sale of drugs, in particular cocaine.
According to a press release from Arma’s military, they are the two brothers Roberto and Alessio Pinnelli, aged 28 and 25 respectively, and Valerio Lionetti, 25, “all already known to the police,” he says.
The investigation, carried out by the military of the weapon under the constant direction of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Foggia, made it possible to discover and therefore succeed in an articulated and systematic cocaine trafficking activity carried out by the two brothers with the collaboration of Lionetti.
During the investigation, more than 40 cocaine sales were detected in March 2019. The sale was made in places from time to time agreed by telephone with the buyers.
For the delivery of doses, which can be indicated as “small”, “medium” or “large” or with the term “fifteen”, “twenty”, “thirty”, “forty”, depending on the quantity and the price, the suspects were traveling aboard a Fiat Bravo.
For the doses administered, the payment was mostly made immediately and, on occasions, a kind of payment was granted. In the event of delays in paying the sums of money by insolvent insurers, payment reminders could lead to real threats, even death.
The investigations, carried out both with typical observation activities and with interception techniques, allowed the Foggia Prosecutor to collect serious indications of guilt against the three suspects and request the application of custody measures against them. precautionary.
The investigating judge of the Foggia court, coinciding with the considerations offered by the prosecutor, therefore ordered the precautionary measure of preventive detention against Roberto and Alessio Pinnelli and that of house arrest against Lionetti Valerio.
Pinnelli Alessio was caught by the precautionary measure directly in prison, where he was already detained for another cause. The other two suspects were arrested on Thursday morning, in Cerignola, and associated in their respective places of custody.
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