Failing to agree on Brexi now it is a “strong possibility”. The prime minister said so Boris johnson in a speech to Conservative ministers, who said “prepare yourself” for the No deal. The comment comes just on the days when the European Council is held, over which the turbulent divorce of the United Kingdom looms.
Johnson cautions, no great deal chances
Conservatives are still waiting for him, urging Johnson to find a deal. But not even in a direct three-hour meeting between the latter and the president of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen we managed to find the square. The next deadline is set for Sunday, December 13.
The EU offer, for Johnson, is unacceptable because the UK runs the risk of being “trapped in the EU orbit”.
However, the prime minister said he was ready to fly to Paris or Berlin for a new round of talks.

Brexit, inadmissible EU deal for Johnson
“For them it is as if we are twins, the UK is one, the EU is the other, and if the EU decides to cut their hair, the UK must cut their hair or they will be punished.Johnson said. “Or if the EU decides to buy an expensive bag, then the UK has to buy an expensive bag or faces tariffs.”, Added the British premier.
British ministers were then told that the talks will continue, but on Brexit there is no deal now. a very likely prospect.
Johnson then added: “I think we need to be very, very clear. Now there is a good chance that we will find a solution that is much more like the Australia’s relationship with the EUinstead of Canada’s relationship with the EU“. The first case is the one that is subject to the terms of the World Trade Organization, which establishes rates on a wide range of products.
The fear of economic repercussions in the UK in the event that a deal is not reached is great among Conservatives, but among party veterans there are also security concerns. “The waters of the Canal are crossed by Russian submarines, our skies by Russian planes. We need alliances, and Europe must stand by our side and work alongside us. Then we would be the ones to turn around, just when we assumed the presidency of the G7Conservative Tobias Ellwood said.