Breaking news on coronavirus today. English variant already in 36 countries. Doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine in the South African variant. More than 85 million cases worldwide


Catalfo, we will think about stopping the layoffs and Cig

“We will make a reasoning for companies in severe crisis: for them we can think of extending the stop” to layoffs and “Cig. The aim is to avoid the employment tsunami, train transition workers, relocate them elsewhere if the company does not restart. We are also confident in the vaccination campaign and its positive effects on the economy ”. Thus, the Minister of Labor Nunzia Catalfo in ‘La Repubblica’ about the deadline of March 31 for blocking layoffs and free Cig Covid. Is it the right time to blow up the government? “I think it is not. Rather it is time to roll up our sleeves and run, if we do not want to suffer, rather than manage the crisis. Not implementing the EU of the next generation means denying the future to the new generations. We cannot afford it “In the first months I would like to develop” social safety nets, active employment policies. “For pensions, in June we will have a plan to exceed Quota 100 and guarantee flexibility at the exit. I have already convened some tables on shock absorbers and self-employment. The commissions on heavy work and to separate pension and assistance will begin shortly. We will try to insert fragile Covid workers, with important pathologies, in the hearing of the social Ape. “” In the next decree, after the request for a new diversion , the dismissal fund will be refinanced immediately, however, linked to the loss of turnover – he observes – the fund for the white year of the self-employed will go from 1 to 2,500 million, allowing do the total deduction to VAT numbers with decreased income. I would also like to anticipate a major active policy, the Industry Academy, an incentive program to promote synergy between companies and universities, colleges and regions. We will extend the Naspi for those over 50 or close to retirement. We will put other resources in Citizen Income, between 800 million and one billion. Applications have increased by 25% with the pandemic ”. The emergency admission “has been requested by 700 thousand people for 4 months, if necessary we will restore it. But the income of citizens must be strengthened, there are more families in need. In fact, it is the only measure to combat poverty in Italy. Fortunately there is; we want to strongly relaunch active policies independently of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. That is why in the Budget Law we introduced the Goal, the Employee Employability Guarantee: it is the national employment plan. Within it, the relocation check moves, which we have also extended to Naspi and Cig employees ”. Then he says that the App that crosses the supply and demand of employment “already exists: the crossing will be made with the Io app, used for cashback and soon also for the single Cig. There will be a single shock absorber for all workers and all companies, easy to order using the app – just check Cig hours. No more Iban, Sr41 and other bureaucratic contortions. 2020 was disastrous for the Cig, it’s time to simplify. And if last year was the year of INPS, at the forefront of passive policies, this will be Anpal’s year for active policies. I trust President Parisi, there is much to do ”.
