Detention for family abuse, today Thursday, December 17. The Carabinieri of the Radiomobile Operational Unit took Sergiu Mititelu, a 30-year-old foreign citizen residing in Aosta, to jail. The man is accused of having He struck a 40-year-old man, also a foreigner, who reported, in addition to various traumas, a ruptured nasal septum, for a thirty-day global forecast.
The arrest, according to the Army, had a complex genesis. Late last night, an acquaintance of the couple made a video call to speak with friends. From the images “he realized that the woman’s face was swollen while her partner was lying on the couch“A circumstance that alarmed him, causing him to contact 112.
Due to technical problems, the phone call was interrupted without the operator having all the necessary details and the military, with almost only the last name of the acquaintance, tried to identify the possible area of the events, sending a patrol.
Once in the area, the soldiers were approached by the man, who reported that he had had an argument with his partner, but that she had already left and “that there were no more problems.” Not convinced by the man’s statements, the military proceeded to search the apartment and found the woman who she had locked herself in a closet and showed clear signs of having been beaten. While accompanying her to “Parini” for treatment, Norm’s men arrested the man and took him to his cell.