
Pandemic helps autocrats
It was this last clarification that pushed the Minister of Defense Fernando de Azevedo and Silva, a general, to issue an official statement reiterating a concept that Brazilian newspapers consider “obvious.” “The Navy, the Army and the Air Force are bodies of the state that consider harmony and independence among the essential powers for the country,” writes the minister. “The military is always on the side of order, democracy and freedom.” But it also adds another concept in defense of the beaten journalists: “Freedom of expression is a fundamental requirement of our democracy.”

Covid and the investigation of the three children now put Bolsonaro in trouble
The posture was not obvious. Excluded from constitutional political life at the end of the twenty years of dictatorship, the military were removed from their exile by Jair Bolsonaro, who named nine generals among the 22 ministers of his government. On several occasions, in the face of the President’s intemperations and externalizations, they had rectified the shot by showing a restraint that balanced the extremism of the ex-comrade chosen to lead the country and enveloped by a base of followers animated by a spirit of revenge. Especially the vice president Hamilton Mourão, also a general, ended up embodying the role of the dove in the most difficult moments of the shock that has divided Brazil since the beginning of the Bolsonaro government. On gender identities, NGOs, Amazonia, indigenous peoples, school, textbooks, culture and religion.

Few funds and quarantined guardians, so Amazon destroyers have free range
In the entire coronavirus, the contrast has shifted to strategy, dividing Brazil between those who defended the blockade as governors and those, Bolsonaro at the helm, urged everyone to leave and return to work. Now, the last battle against Congress, guilty of not letting it govern, and the Supreme Court of Justice that has decided to initiate an investigation on the interference of the President in the prerogatives of his Minister of Justice denounced by the same Sergio Moro after resigning.

In reproduction ….
The heads of the three Armed Forces, however, sympathized with Bolsonaro, enraged by the Supreme Court’s decision to block the appointment of the new police chief because it was considered inappropriate, given that Alexandre Ramagem He is close to the President’s family and a personal friend of his children, all three under investigation by the judiciary. The Court, in the opinion of the military, has crossed its institutional borders avoiding an act that falls to the executive. A way to wink at Planalto while keeping the command bar straight.
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