Bovolone: ​​31 positives, first case in a kindergarten


First case of a child positive to covid-19 in a kindergarten in Bovolone.

Some mothers who have children enrolled in school have exchanged warning messages since Thursday, when rumors of contagion among the children began. Confirmation of a child with a positive coronavirus came Saturday night directly from the mayor Emilietto looking at her who, after a long pause, once again published press releases on his Facebook page, publishing official data from the health authority.

The asylum in question, voting table seat It was completely disinfected overnight between Friday and Saturday. The return of the children will not take place before Wednesday September 24, to evaluate what to do for the baby section.

In the publication, the mayor also updated the general data of those infected in the town. There was only one left a few weeks ago, they had gone up to 24 on Friday and there are some 31 Saturday at 7.30pm. All the subjects who came into contact with the infected, we are of the order of a few dozen, they are also in quarantine. Bovolone has thus become one of the countries with the highest rate of infected in the province.

“In these hours all the people linked to the case will be (or have already been) contacted by the ULSS that manages these situations,” adds the mayor who concludes “do not panic”, invoking strict compliance with the normal precautions of sense common for the protection of people. more fragile.

Roberto Massagrande
